Below you find a part of the radio collection Jean-Louis HEYD - including other related items. Philips radio Ducretet Radialva |
Part of the radio collection of Jean-Louis HEYD. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Jean-Louis HEYD but this is not necessarily all of Jean-Louis HEYD's collection.
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1944/45 : 156AV |
F: Philips France; Paris
1945 ??: Philoscope MS 342 |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1946/47 : Plankradio BX360A /00 /01 Repaired |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1947 : Valve-Tester Cartomatic II (2) GM7630 |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1947/48 : HX372A |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1947/48 : HX472A |
GB: Philips Electrical, Lamps, Industr...
1948 : 474B |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1948/49 : HX381A 00 |
F: Philips France; Paris
1948–50 : Meuble Radio-Phono FF771A I have purchased it and will get it soon. |
DK: Philips Radio A/S; København
1949 : Symfoni 682U |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1949/49 : BX484B |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1949/50 : HX391A -00 -01 -02 -10 -11 -12 -60 |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1950 : Signalverfolger GM7628 |
F: Philips France; Paris
1951/52 : Skiff LF503UB |
USA: Boonton Radio Corp.; Boonton, NJ
1953 : Q Meter 260-A |
USA: General Electric Co. (GE); Bridgep...
1953 : 613 |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1954 : Valve-Tester Cartomatic III GM7633/01 |
USA: Boonton Radio Corp.; Boonton, NJ
1955 ??: Q Standard - Inductor 103A 103A coils excepted the 103A-52 |
D: SABA; Villingen
1955/56 : Freiburg Automatic 6-3D |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1956/57 : B5X62A /00 /01 |
F: Ducretet (-Thomson; avant: Fernand...
1957 : TR854 Another set of transistors... |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1957/58 : B8X72A |
F: Metrix, Compagnie Générale de Métr...
1958 : Analyseur de lampes U61B |
F: Pathé-Marconi, Les IME (I.M.E.), L...
1958 : Electrophone 358 |
B: Philips Belgium (Belgien)
1958/59 : B5X84A /19 /32 |
F: Metrix, Compagnie Générale de Métr...
1960 ??: Pont a Lampes (Tube tester) 661 |
F: Metrix, Compagnie Générale de Métr...
1960–65 ?: Lampemètre 310 BTR |
F: Metrix, Compagnie Générale de Métr...
1962 ?: Analyseur de lampes U61C |
F: Katji (4J); La Courneuve
1962 ?: Transistormètre 501 |
D: Philips Radios - Deutschland
1964 : RCL-Bridge PM6301 |
B: Philips Belgium (Belgien)
1964 ?: B7X44A /03 |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1964/65 : B6X44A |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1964/65 : Capella Reverbeo B7X43A /22 |
F: Metrix, Compagnie Générale de Métr...
1971 : Röhrenmessgerät LX109A |
J: Sanwa Electric Instrument Co., Ltd...
1986 ??: FET Multimètre EM-3000 |
TW: Escort Instruments Corp. (EIC); Ta...
1987 ?: LCR-Meter ELC-130 |
D: Monacor, Bremen
1992 : Digital LCD Multimeter DMT-4000 |
D: PeakTech GmbH, Heinz-Günther Lau (...
1995 ??: FET Multimeter Analog HC5050E |
Click numbers for additional pages of Jean-Louis
HEYD's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member Jean-Louis HEYD opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 28.Dec.2007.
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