Below you find a part of the radio collection Jean Marchal - including other related items. Radioélectricité, réception radio OC, informatique, Photo. |
Part of the radio collection of Jean Marchal. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Jean Marchal but this is not necessarily all of Jean Marchal's collection.
F: Cogerel; Dijon
1972 ??: Shortwave Converter Amateur Radio Photo personnelle |
F: Radio-Contrôle; Lyon
1964 : Teletester, Grid-Dip (code TET) Le Teletester et ses accessoires. Photo J.M 2016 |
F: Pizon Bros (JMP); Paris
1960/61 : Translitor Super Seven Photo J.M |
YU: Iskra; Kranj, Ljubljana
1970 ??: Unimer 4 |
F: Carpentier, Jules - Ateliers Ruhmk...
1960 ??: Voltmètre de Poche Voltmètre 2 gammes |
1955 ??: Voltmètre Magnétoélectrique Photo vue AV |
Click numbers for additional pages of Jean
Marchal's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member Jean Marchal opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 17.Oct.2010.
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