Below you find a part of the radio collection Jean Marcotte - including other related items. |
Result: 1 to 40 from 40 |
Part of the radio collection of Jean Marcotte. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Jean Marcotte but this is not necessarily all of Jean Marcotte's collection.
CDN: CAE (Canadian Aviation Electronics...
1956 ??: Lodestar Mark1 1011 Radio from my own collection. |
GB: HMV (Brand), His Masters Voice, Th...
1939 : 1105 Radio from my own collection |
CDN: Electrical Products Mfg. Co. Ltd.;...
1950 ??: Regal 28-51 Radio from my personal collection |
CDN: Hallicrafters Canada Ltd., The; To...
1955/56 : 45H36 |
CDN: Northern Electric Co. Ltd.; Montre...
1950 ?: Baby Champ 5400 Cabinet cassé, recollé et repeint. La couleur n'est pas exactement la même ... |
CDN: Shelbern Industries Ltd.; Montreal
1955 ??: Clock-Radio 55C |
CDN: Shelbern Industries Ltd.; Montreal
1955 ??: 55DL Publicité bilingue Shelbern |
CDN: Sparton of Canada; London, ON
1947/48 : Hiker 5849 Radio from my own collection |
CDN: Canadian Marconi Co. Ltd. (CMC, Es...
1959/60 : 624 |
CDN: Shelbern Industries Ltd.; Montreal
1960 ??: 65 |
CDN: Lifco Record Players & Radios Mfg....
1955 ??: Regal Super Deluxe 700 |
CDN: Simpsons Sears Ltd.; Toronto, Onta...
1953 ?: 302 Ch= C817.3020 Radio from my own collection. |
CDN: Simpsons Sears Ltd.; Toronto, Onta...
1952 ?: Silvertone 306 Ch= C817.3060 |
CDN: Simpsons Sears Ltd.; Toronto, Onta...
1952 ?: Silvertone 307 Ch= C817.3060 État d'origine après nettoyage. |
USA: RCA (RCA Victor Co. Inc.); New Yor...
1952 : 2-R-52 Ch= RC-1119 Radio de ma propre collection. |
CDN: Measurement Engineering (Canadian)...
1945 ??: VOM J-60 From my own collection |
CDN: Electrohome (Dominion Industries, ...
1953 ?: Pirate P103 From my own collection. |
CDN: Northern Electric Co. Ltd.; Montre...
1923 : Regenerative Receiver R-11 Vue de l'intérieur du radio. |
USA: Calrad - California Radio & Electr...
1958 ??: FM Receiver unknown Radio de ma propre collection |
CDN: RCA Victor (International), Montreal
1941/42 : A-23 1st Production |
CDN: Brand and Millen Electronics Ltd. ...
1949/50 : Astra P-511 Fabriqué par Brand and Millen Ltd. Long Branch, Ontario, Canada |
CDN: Hallicrafters Canada Ltd., The; To...
1954 ?: ATX-13 Picture from my own collection |
CDN: Crosley Radio and Television Ltd.;...
1939/40 : J729 |
CDN: RCA Victor (International), Montreal
1941/42 : Mascot |
CDN: RCA Victor (International), Montreal
1947 : Master Nipper |
CDN: RCA Victor (International), Montreal
1952/53 : Nipper III Image de ma propre collection. |
CDN: Rogers-Majestic, Standard Radio Ma...
1946/47 : R156A |
CDN: Stewart Warner; Ontario
1938/39 : R-4291 From my personnal collection. |
CDN: Marsland Engineering Ltd.; Waterlo...
1960 ??: RA75DBT From my own collection. |
CDN: Seabreeze Electric Corporation; To...
1960 ?: S-300PA From my own collection |
CDN: Hallicrafters Canada Ltd., The; To...
1955 ?: TW-2000 Radio from my own collection |
S: Champion Radio AB; Stockholm
1950 ??: Unknown Portable Radio Radio from my own collection. |
CDN: Canadian Admiral Co. Ltd; Long Bra...
1949 ??: 6C2X From my own collection |
CDN: RCA Victor (International), Montreal
1947/48 : 54X |
CDN: Canadian Marconi Co. Ltd. (CMC, Es...
1939 ?: 180 Radio from my own collection. |
CDN: Canadian Marconi Co. Ltd. (CMC, Es...
1941/42 : 202 |
CDN: Canadian Marconi Co. Ltd. (CMC, Es...
1940 ??: 227 From my own collection |
CDN: Northern Electric Co. Ltd.; Montre...
1939/40 : 542 Radio from my own collection. |
USA: Jewel Radio Corp.; New York, Long ...
1948 : 814 From my collection. |
CDN: Northern Electric Co. Ltd.; Montre...
1940 : 1554 Radio from my own collection |
Result: 1 to 40 from 40 |
Click numbers for additional pages of Jean
Marcotte's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member Jean Marcotte opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 04.Feb.2013.
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