Below you find a part of the radio collection Jeff Pennoyer - including other related items. Homepage: My other Website (more radios and Tesla coils): I collect antique tube radios from 30s - 60s. Mostly bakelite and plastic. A few wood. Majority of radios are Zeniths (as I love the style). See my web site (which I need to update as have several more radios now). Build tesla coils and do a little with robotics using basic stamp applications. Also, rebuild Victrolas. Have rebuilt and refinished 3. Rebuild the motors too. |
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Part of the radio collection of Jeff Pennoyer. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Jeff Pennoyer but this is not necessarily all of Jeff Pennoyer's collection.
USA: Clarion, Transformer Corp. of Amer...
1932 ?: Clarion AC-320 |
USA: Columbia Radio Co.; Youngstown Ohio
1930 : SG-9 AC-9-30 1930 |
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Click numbers for additional pages of Jeff
Pennoyer's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member Jeff Pennoyer opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 14.Apr.2011.
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