Collection de Jim Hutton, Canada

Information - Aide
ID = 26522
Photo Jim Hutton

Vous pourrez trouver ci-dessous la collection d'appareils de Jim Hutton

I’ve been collecting radios for more than 40 years. I didn't have much time to restore them during my working career but when I retired three years ago I decided it was time to bring my collection back into service. I first became interested in electronics and in particular radios when I was in high school and built my first superheterodyne. I then spent several years in the navy as an electronics technician perfecting my hands-on trouble-shooting when repairing naval radios and radar systems. Unfortunately when I was picked up for officer training and sent to military college to study engineering my 'hands-on' opportunities became limited. I then spent 30 years working as a systems engineer and project manager for the navy where I was relegated to the world of design and management. When I retired I couldn’t wait to get back to the bench I left 30 years ago and do some hands-on trouble-shooting which I’ve always enjoyed. My first revelation was how much I had forgotten. Techniques that were second-nature to me 30 years ago had to be re-learned and practiced. Fortunately most things came back quickly but I still find that I learn something new with each restoration.
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Extrait de la collection de Jim Hutton. Les images ci-dessous ont été téléchargées sur les modèles correspondants par Jim Hutton.

USA:  Coast Radio Company; Seattle, WA
1930 ??: Coast Radio
USA:  Clarodyne; USA
1925 ??: Low Loss Receiver
CDN:  Rogers-Majestic, Standard Radio Ma...
1930/31 : Rogers 610
Ch= 641

Front View of my Restored Rogers 610
CDN:  Rogers-Majestic, Standard Radio Ma...
1931/31 : Rogers 620
Ch= 641

CDN:  Measurement Engineering (Canadian)...
1945 ??: Signal Generator

Closeup of Canadian Signal Generator SG-1
Résultats: 1 à 5 de 5

La page de collectionneur de Jim Hutton est une page personnelle sur RMorg. En tant que membre de, Jim Hutton expose des modèles de sa collection. Chaque membre peut aussi apporter sa contribution et télécharger des informations.



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