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Below you find a part of the radio collection Jim Sirtonski - including other related items. Although I studied electronics in high school, my career would ultimately end up on a different path. Following my retirement in 2019 and looking for a hobby that would be interesting and keep my mind stimulated, I enrolled and completed an electronics technician course which has now steered me toward collecting and restoring vintage radios and test equipment. I find it very rewarding to bring these classic treasures back to life. |
Result: 1 to 50 from 64 |
Part of the radio collection of Jim Sirtonski. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Jim Sirtonski but this is not necessarily all of Jim Sirtonski's collection.
CDN: Addison Industries, Ltd.;Toronto
1940–47 : 5A Complete Restoration |
CDN: Canadian Marconi Co. Ltd. (CMC, Es...
1939 ?: 136 |
CDN: Canadian Marconi Co. Ltd. (CMC, Es...
1947/48 : 264 1703 Complete Restoration |
CDN: Canadian Marconi Co. Ltd. (CMC, Es...
1951 ??: 275A Complete Restoration |
CDN: Canadian General Electric (Canada)...
1940 ?: Commentator KL-52 Complete restoration |
CDN: Canadian General Electric (Canada)...
1948/49 : CL-500 Serial-# R45217 - R64235 Complete Restoration |
CDN: Canadian Admiral Co. Ltd; Long Bra...
1947/48 : 7T10 Ch= 5K1 Restored |
CDN: Canadian Westinghouse, Hamilton
1946/47 : 691 Cabinet restored. New grille cloth |
CDN: Crosley Radio and Television Ltd.;...
1953 ??: E-15 |
CDN: De Forest (DeForest) Crosley Radio...
1934/35 ?: Explorer 1721 |
CDN: Eaton Co. Ltd., The T. (Viking); T...
1953 ?: Viking 54-48 |
CDN: Eaton Co. Ltd., The T. (Viking); T...
1958 : Viking RM 290R |
CDN: Electrohome (Dominion Industries, ...
1939/40 : 9U51-E-1 |
CDN: Northern Electric Co. Ltd.; Montre...
1938/39 : 1331-A (Mirrophonic Tone Chamber) |
CDN: Northern Electric Co. Ltd.; Montre...
1946/47 : Baby Champ 5000 brown |
CDN: Northern Electric Co. Ltd.; Montre...
1952 ??: 5508 Run 4 Full Restoration |
CDN: Philco Products Ltd.; Toronto
1932/33 : 91-AH |
CDN: Philco Products Ltd.; Toronto
1934/35 ?: 366A Full Restoration |
CDN: Philco Products Ltd.; Toronto
1937/38 : 38-C-12 Coronation This model may not be a Coronation. Cabinet does not have the original fini... |
CDN: Philco Products Ltd.; Toronto
1954 ?: 315 |
CDN: Philips Canada
1950 ??: P104 Badly damaged case repaired and painted metallic blue |
CDN: Philips Canada
1951 : P-141 Cabinet colour is not original - painted blue |
CDN: Philips Canada
1954 : 725 |
CDN: RCA Victor (International), Montreal
1945 : M-45 Missing correct knobs |
CDN: RCA Victor (International), Montreal
1949 : 9Y5 |
CDN: RCA Victor (International), Montreal
1950 ?: Little Master IV |
CDN: RCA Victor (International), Montreal
1953 ?: C503 Colour is not original - painted light blue |
CDN: Rogers-Majestic, Standard Radio Ma...
1935/36 : Majestic Jacques Cartier Ch= 58 Cabinet original. New grille cloth |
CDN: Sparton of Canada; London, ON
1934/35 ?: 467C |
CDN: Stewart Warner; Ontario
1940/41 : 469 Fully restored |
CDN: Stromberg Carlson Telephone Mfg. C...
1946/47 : 761 |
D: Grundig (Radio-Vertrieb, RVF, Radi...
1961–64 : Musikgerät Type 88 |
D: Grundig (Radio-Vertrieb, RVF, Radi...
2000 ?: Satellit 800 Millennium |
USA: Admiral (brand) Continental Radio ...
1949 ?: 6Y18N |
USA: Admiral (brand) Continental Radio ...
1950/51 : 6A22 Ch= 6A2 |
USA: Belmont Radio Corp. (B.R.C.); Chic...
1949 : 7DF21 Ch= Series A |
USA: Bulova Watch Corp.; Woodside (NY)
1959 ?: 160 |
USA: Bulova Watch Corp.; Woodside (NY)
1959 ?: 180 Black |
USA: Bulova Watch Corp.; Woodside (NY)
1959 ?: 330 |
USA: Bulova Watch Corp.; Woodside (NY)
1960 ?: 190 |
USA: Bulova Watch Corp.; Woodside (NY)
1961 : 350 Series (352, 353, 355) |
USA: CBS-Columbia Inc.; New York, NY
1954 : 5165 Ch= 515-1 maroon Complete Restoration |
USA: Crosley Radio Corp.; Cincinnati (OH)
1933/34 : Dual Fiver Ch= 167 Cathedral - Late Production Fully restored |
USA: Crosley Radio Corp.; Cincinnati (OH)
1934 : Sixty-One Ch= 6H2 table 1 Incorrect dial pointer. Replacement grille cloth. |
USA: Emerson Radio & Phonograph Corp.; ...
1932 : LDC4 |
USA: Emerson Radio & Phonograph Corp.; ...
1936/37 : A-132 Ch= A |
USA: Gamble-Skogmo, Inc.; Minneapolis, MN
1968 ?: Coronado RA44-5525A |
USA: General Electric Co. (GE); Bridgep...
1948 : 114W Complete Restoration |
USA: General Electric Co. (GE); Bridgep...
1960 ?: C425A |
USA: Grant Company, W.T. (Grantline); N...
1946 : Grantline 502 Series A Full restoration |
Result: 1 to 50 from 64 |
Click numbers for additional pages of Jim
Sirtonski's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member Jim Sirtonski opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 13.Jul.2021.
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