Below you find a part of the radio collection John Koster - including other related items. In 2004 I started collecting radios, loudspeakers and other items, mostly from the period before the Second World War. The first radio I bought was a Cossor 464. I bought this radio on a flee market in Amsterdam in 1994, but it stopped there. In 2004 I rediscovered parts of the crystal and diode radios that I made as a boy and I decided to start a radio collection. My radios are placed in a number of radio cabinets. These cabinets consist of a number of segments made of chipboard with beech print. The back panel of each compartment has a socket outlet and an antenna connection. A small "La Pico" AM transmitter works as a "home broadcasting station". A number of radios can be switched on and off with a remote control unit, that operates the socket outlets. More info on my website: see URL below. |
Part of the radio collection of John Koster. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by John Koster but this is not necessarily all of John Koster's collection.
D: Lorenz; Berlin, Zuffenhausen u.a.
1938–40 : Deutscher Kleinempfänger 1938 DKE38 |
D: König Electronic GmbH; Reichelsheim
1985 ?: Digital-Multimeter DM920 |
F: Art Luxe et Technique (ALT, A.L.T....
1947 ??: E500 |
D: Seibt, Dr. Georg (Nachf.); Berlin,...
1929/30 : Luxus EW374l |
GB: AJS (Brand) Stevens AJ & Co. (1914...
1925 : Table Model TM2 F6 The closed cabinet |
F: Ducretet (-Thomson; avant: Fernand...
1922 ?: Boîte d'Accord FL |
NL: NSF Nederlandsche Seintoestellen F...
1930 : Hilversum-3 H3 (S3010) |
NL: NSF Nederlandsche Seintoestellen F...
1931 : H5 |
NL: NSF Nederlandsche Seintoestellen F...
1945/46 : H54U-05 |
D: Stassfurter Licht- und Kraftwerke ...
1928–30 : Makrophon II (2) neu Advertisement in Algemeen Handelsblad, December 14, 1928 |
NL: Heem & Bloemsma, van der, Den Haag
1926 : IV (4) early |
NL: Erres, Van der Heem NV; Den Haag
1928 : K.L. |
LV: VEF Radio Works (Valst Elektrotech...
1940/41 : Vefsuper KB416 Zivil |
NL: Erres, Van der Heem NV; Den Haag
1929 : KY103 |
NL: Erres, Van der Heem NV; Den Haag
1930/31 : Zanger aan de wand KY107W |
NL: Erres, Van der Heem NV; Den Haag
1931/31 : KY108 MW + LW |
NL: Erres, Van der Heem NV; Den Haag
1931 : KY111 |
NL: Erres, Van der Heem NV; Den Haag
1931 : KY113 |
NL: Erres, Van der Heem NV; Den Haag
1932 : KY117 |
NL: Erres, Van der Heem NV; Den Haag
1933 : KY126 |
NL: Erres, Van der Heem NV; Den Haag
1933 : KY130 |
NL: Erres, Van der Heem NV; Den Haag
1934 : KY144 |
NL: Erres, Van der Heem NV; Den Haag
1935 : KY145 |
NL: Erres, Van der Heem NV; Den Haag
1935/36 : KY146 |
NL: Erres, Van der Heem NV; Den Haag
1935/36 : KY147 |
NL: Erres, Van der Heem NV; Den Haag
1937/38 : KY165 |
NL: Erres, Van der Heem NV; Den Haag
1948 : KY483 Top view of the chassis. |
NL: Erres, Van der Heem NV; Den Haag
1950 : KY504 |
NL: Erres, Van der Heem NV; Den Haag
1951 : KY516B |
D: Nora, Aron, Heliowatt; Berlin
1931–33 : Lautsprecher L26 |
F: Télémesure, Radio-Comptoir du Sud-...
1939 : Lampemètre (Röhrenprüfgerät) L39 |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1957/58 : L3X71T /62 |
DK: Knudsen, Lauritz (LK); København -...
1929 ?: Højttaler LK50 |
GB: Brown S. G. Ltd.; London
1929 : Duplex V10 Loudspeaker |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1952/53 : LX422AB /00 |
NL: Brandsteder (later Sony); Amsterdam
1929 ?: Loudspeaker cabinet M |
NL: NSF Nederlandsche Seintoestellen F...
1926 : M4 A410 |
GB: Johnson and Phillips Ltd. (J & P);...
1918 ?: Short Wave Tuner Mark III* (Mk 3*) (military) |
USA: United Engine Co.; Lansing (MI)
1925 : LanSing Model W |
D: Nadir, Deutawerke; Berlin-Wilmersd...
1925 ??: Milliampere Meter Modell 15 (XV) |
F: Ducretet (-Thomson; avant: Fernand...
1925 ?: Radiospire (coil) N48R |
F: Dyna, A. Chabot; Paris
1925–41 : Poste à Galène "Kiddy" No. 2064 |
NL: NSF Nederlandsche Seintoestellen F...
1927 : NSF4 ver 1 |
NL: Brandsteder (later Sony); Amsterdam
1927 ?: Radio cabinet NSF4 |
F: Ducretet (-Thomson; avant: Fernand...
1925 ?: Auto-transformateur N°40 |
F: Ducretet (-Thomson; avant: Fernand...
1925 ?: Transformateur (Steckspule) N°70T |
D: Loewe-(Opta); Deutschland
1927–31 : Ortsempfänger OE333 Steglitz |
GB: Ekco, E.K.Cole Ltd.; Southend-on-Sea
1937 : P148 |
GB: Pye Ltd., Radio Works; Cambridge
1960 ?: Q3 |
USA: Zenith Radio Corp.; Chicago, IL
1968 ?: Royal 16 Billfold R16L1 (Japan 506) |
Click numbers for additional pages of John
Koster's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member John Koster opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 18.Mar.2006.
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