Below you find a part of the radio collection John Koster - including other related items. In 2004 I started collecting radios, loudspeakers and other items, mostly from the period before the Second World War. The first radio I bought was a Cossor 464. I bought this radio on a flee market in Amsterdam in 1994, but it stopped there. In 2004 I rediscovered parts of the crystal and diode radios that I made as a boy and I decided to start a radio collection. My radios are placed in a number of radio cabinets. These cabinets consist of a number of segments made of chipboard with beech print. The back panel of each compartment has a socket outlet and an antenna connection. A small "La Pico" AM transmitter works as a "home broadcasting station". A number of radios can be switched on and off with a remote control unit, that operates the socket outlets. More info on my website: see URL below. |
Part of the radio collection of John Koster. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by John Koster but this is not necessarily all of John Koster's collection.
USA: Parke & Co., John Y.; Philadelphia...
1915 ?: Loose Coupler |
USA: Magnavox Co., Commercial Wireless ...
1935 ?: Loudspeaker |
GB: Philips Electrical, Lamps, Industr...
1930 ??: Loudspeaker 4512 |
NL: Brandsteder (later Sony); Amsterdam
1929 ?: Loudspeaker cabinet M |
NL: Sarcos, Fabr. v. Radio Onderd. & L...
1927 : Luidspreker |
NL: Erres, Van der Heem NV; Den Haag
1930 : Luidspreker 4pol |
NL: Brandsteder (later Sony); Amsterdam
1927 ?: Luidspreker 2000 ohms |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1944/45 : Luistervink 37A-46 Version 37A-46. |
D: Seibt, Dr. Georg (Nachf.); Berlin,...
1929/30 : Luxus EW374l |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1952/53 : LX422AB /00 |
NL: NSF Nederlandsche Seintoestellen F...
1926 : M4 A410 |
D: Stassfurter Licht- und Kraftwerke ...
1928–30 : Makrophon II (2) neu Advertisement in Algemeen Handelsblad, December 14, 1928 |
GB: Marconi Co. (Marconiphone, Marconi...
1923 : Marconiphone V2A |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1928/29 : Meesterzanger 2011 |
D: Grawor, Rundf.techn.Erz. Grass & W...
1927–30 : Melodia |
NL: Weco N.V. Radiofabriek; Amsterdam
1931/32 : Melodie 5009 (312) |
GB: New Wilson Electrical , London
1926 : Microphone Bar Amplifier |
D: Stassfurter Licht- und Kraftwerke ...
1929–31 : Mikrohet W Advertisement in Algemeen Handelsblad, March 8, 1930. |
D: Nadir, Deutawerke; Berlin-Wilmersd...
1925 ??: Milliampere Meter Modell 15 (XV) |
NL: Radio-Compagnie Amsterdam
1926 : Model II |
SU: Elektroizmeritel, Zhitomir, SU ...
1985 ??: Multimeter C4340 - Ц 4340 |
D: Grundig (Radio-Vertrieb, RVF, Radi...
1962/63 : Musikgerät 96M |
D: Kaco, Kupfer-Asbest-Co.; Heilbronn...
1938 ?: MW/LW Sperrkreis VE 301 Wn S |
F: Pygmy, Ciate-Pygmy (SCIP, CIATE); ...
1951 : Nain 1951 |
D: Loewe-(Opta); Deutschland
1929 : Nederland 1930 |
H: Orion; Budapest
1940 : Néprádió 011 |
GB: Amplion (Brand), Alfred Graham & C...
1924 : New Junior AR 111 |
USA: Colonial Radio Co.; Long Island an...
1933 : New World Globe 158 (AC-DC) |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1927–30 : NF-Trafo 4003 |
NL: NSF Nederlandsche Seintoestellen F...
1927 : NSF4 ver 1 |
GB: Brown S. G. Ltd.; London
1925 ?: One sided earphone Type F |
D: Loewe-(Opta); Deutschland
1927–31 : Ortsempfänger OE333 Steglitz |
USA: General Radio Company; Cambridge (...
1942 : Output Power Meter 783A |
GB: Ekco, E.K.Cole Ltd.; Southend-on-Sea
1937 : P148 |
F: Point Bleu; Paris - voir aussi Bla...
1927/28 : Pavillon Louis XVI |
GB: Brownie (Brand), J.W.B. Wireless C...
1926 : Permatector |
NL: Nijkerk, Pilodyne; Amsterdam
1932 : Phenomeen Prima-Donna |
D: Philips Radios - Deutschland
1931–33 : Philector 4180 |
D: Philips Radios - Deutschland
1953/54 : Philetta 54L BD233U-L |
NL: Unknown - CUSTOM BUILT: Netherland...
1929 : Philomela (loudspeaker cabinet) |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1935 : Phonometer 7927 |
D: Braun; Frankfurt
1958–61 : Phonosuper SK5 |
F: Saft-Leclanché, GIPELEC; Aucamvill...
1960 ??: Pile Radio-Transistors 9 et 6 volts 6R20 Battery. |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1928–31 : Plaatspanningapparaat 3003 |
NL: Transformer Works (Transforma); Am...
1929 : Plastro Gelijkrichter With replacement tubes Radio Record R200 en W20. |
NL: Tecla Radio Industrie en Handelson...
1955 : Pocket Radio |
ZZ: Memorabilia - Erinnerungsstücke
1900–99 : Postcards - Postkarten |
F: Ducretet (-Thomson; avant: Fernand...
1926 : Poste à Autotransformateurs A4 |
F: Mildé-Bayard, Radio-Bayard; Toulouse
1925 ?: Poste à galène à selfs |
F: Dyna, A. Chabot; Paris
1925–41 : Poste à Galène "Kiddy" No. 2064 |
Click numbers for additional pages of John
Koster's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member John Koster opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 18.Mar.2006.
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