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Below you find a part of the radio collection John Koster - including other related items. In 2004 I started collecting radios, loudspeakers and other items, mostly from the period before the Second World War. The first radio I bought was a Cossor 464. I bought this radio on a flee market in Amsterdam in 1994, but it stopped there. In 2004 I rediscovered parts of the crystal and diode radios that I made as a boy and I decided to start a radio collection. My radios are placed in a number of radio cabinets. These cabinets consist of a number of segments made of chipboard with beech print. The back panel of each compartment has a socket outlet and an antenna connection. A small "La Pico" AM transmitter works as a "home broadcasting station". A number of radios can be switched on and off with a remote control unit, that operates the socket outlets. More info on my website: see URL below. |
Part of the radio collection of John Koster. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by John Koster but this is not necessarily all of John Koster's collection.
H: Videoton; Székesfehérvár
1957–59 : Tihany R822 |
F: Radiola (marque)
1951 : RA26U |
USA: Kennedy Co., Colin B.; San Francis...
1921 : 220 Intermediate Wave Regenerative Receiver early |
GB: Sterling Telephone & Electric Co. ...
1924 ?: Headphones RH3/2 |
GB: Burndept Ltd. London
1924 ?: Ethovox RL2/20 |
F: Ducretet (-Thomson; avant: Fernand...
1926 : Radio-Modulateur Bigrille RM5 |
F: Ducretet (-Thomson; avant: Fernand...
1959/60 : RT 1045 |
USA: Master's Art Inc.; Yonkers (NY)
1965 ?: RT200 |
D: Kaco, Kupfer-Asbest-Co.; Heilbronn...
1938 ?: MW/LW Sperrkreis VE 301 Wn S |
D: SELBSTBAU aus alter Zeit - siehe A...
1925 ?: Superhet Selbstbau 20erJ Valves from left to right: mixer, two i.f. tubes, detector, and two l.f. tu... |
F: Radiola (marque)
1924/25 : Superstandard SG4 |
GB: Ekco, E.K.Cole Ltd.; Southend-on-Sea
1932 : SH25 DC version |
D: Braun; Frankfurt
1958–61 : Phonosuper SK5 |
F: Radiola (marque)
1925 : Super-Radiola SR4 |
D: Telefunken Deutschland (TFK), (Ges...
1929–31 : Arcolette 30W T30W Endrohr RE134 |
D: Telefunken Deutschland (TFK), (Ges...
1931/32 : Katzenkopf T 340 T340W RENS1204 |
J: Tech Instruments Co. Ltd.; Tokyo
1963 ?: Signal Generator TE-20 |
GB: Bush Radio Ltd.; london
1959–63 : TR82C Mark 1 |
F: Radio L.L. (Lucien Levy, LL Radio)...
1925 : Superhétérodyne A Type 3302 8 lampes |
GB: Brown S. G. Ltd.; London
1925 ?: One sided earphone Type F |
USA: RCA (RCA Victor Co. Inc.); New Yor...
1924 : Radiola III (3) AR-805 Type RI (ri) This is a Swedish version of the Radiola III. The name "Radiola III" was re... |
GB: Ekco, E.K.Cole Ltd.; Southend-on-Sea
1953 : U215 |
NL: Weco N.V. Radiofabriek; Amsterdam
1929 ??: Accu Gelijkrichter unknown |
GB: Marconi Co. (Marconiphone, Marconi...
1923 : Marconiphone V2A |
GB: Radio Instruments Ltd. & Aeronauti...
1923 : V2C |
NL: Havened, Radio Techn.(Handels) Bur...
1929 : Audios VA |
D: Schaleco - Schackow, Leder und Co;...
1933–38 : Volksempfänger VE301W |
D: Stassfurter Licht- und Kraftwerke ...
1929–31 : Mikrohet W Advertisement in Algemeen Handelsblad, March 8, 1930. |
D: Mende - Radio H. Mende & Co. GmbH,...
1933–35 : Weltklasse W(K) Pressstoff, m. Lautsprecher |
F: Mildé-Bayard, Radio-Bayard; Toulouse
1925 ?: Poste à galène à selfs |
NL: Besra; Amsterdam
1926 ?: Accu Gelijkrichter 451 |
NL: Weco N.V. Radiofabriek; Amsterdam
1926 ?: Accu Gelijkrichter |
D: Grawor, Rundf.techn.Erz. Grass & W...
1930 ?: Aladin |
NL: Weco N.V. Radiofabriek; Amsterdam
1929/30 : Algeheel Wisselstroomtoestel Luxe |
NL: Weco N.V. Radiofabriek; Amsterdam
1929/30 : Algeheel Wisselstroomtoestel Standaard |
F: Captonde, M. Baringolz / Barengolz...
1926 ?: Antenne Cadre |
B: RR Radio (R.R. Radio); Bruxelles, ...
1950 ?: Antenne Cadre |
A: King; wo?
1933 ??: Aufsteck-Detektor King King Aufsteck-Detektor, in doppelter Ausführung, auf unbekanntes Gehäuse |
F: Péricaud, G. et A. Péricaud Fils (...
1924 : Bèta |
NL: Waldorp, N.V. Ned. Instrumentenfab...
1929 : Blok Systeem (Block System) |
GB: Brown S. G. Ltd.; London
1925 : Cabinet Loud Speaker |
F: Mairal (RAP); Montluçon (Allier)
1950 ??: Cadre Antiparasite RAP 3 boutons, alimentation poste |
F: Unknown - CUSTOM BUILT: France (IN...
1955 ??: Cadre Antiparasites Claironde |
F: Unknown - CUSTOM BUILT: France (IN...
1955 ?: Cadre Antiparasites Horloge Neptune |
F: Ducretet (-Thomson; avant: Fernand...
1925 ??: Cadre Récepteur |
D: Uhrenfabrik Müller & Co (UM); Mühl...
1934 : Chronoradio Type II Radioschaltuhr neu |
GB: ATM (Brand), Automatic Telephone M...
1925/26 ?: Claritone 14" |
NL: Brey en Co., Larsen de, (H.W.K.), ...
1929 : Crystalphone Loudspeaker |
NL: Brey en Co., Larsen de, (H.W.K.), ...
1930 : Crystalphone Radio |
GB: Homebrew - ORIGINAL; GB
1924 ??: Crystal set with slide coil |
Click numbers for additional pages of John
Koster's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member John Koster opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 18.Mar.2006.
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