Below you find a part of the radio collection Jorge Juan Stark - including other related items. |
Result: 51 to 71 from 71 |
Part of the radio collection of Jorge Juan Stark. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Jorge Juan Stark but this is not necessarily all of Jorge Juan Stark's collection.
RA: Noblex Argentina SA; Nobleza Radio...
1972 ?: Siete (7) Mares NT119 |
RA: Exactom - Exacton (Corinth, Black ...
1980 ??: Corinth PM-32 |
ROK: Unknown - CUSTOM BUILT: South Kore...
1990 ??: Precision Deluxe 5" Portable B/W TV-AM/FM Radio PTV969 |
USA: Heathkit (Brand), Heath Co.; Bento...
1955 : Q-Meter QM1 |
RA: RCA Victor; Buenos Aires
1949 ?: R-46 |
RA: Winco S.A.I.C.F.I. y A., Buenos Ai...
1970 ?: Grabador Dual RQ-156S |
RA: Trono; Castelar
1982 ??: Amplificador Estéreo (Stereo Amplifier) SAM-70 |
RA: Trono; Castelar
1982 ??: Sintonizador Estéreo (Stereo Tuner) STU-70 |
D: Grundig (Radio-Vertrieb, RVF, Radi...
1967 ?: TK6La |
RA: Norman, (Autoradio Norman); Buenos...
1958 ??: Trofeo TM-1 |
RA: Noblex Argentina SA; Nobleza Radio...
1966 : Sincopado TN1 |
RA: Noblex Argentina SA; Nobleza Radio...
1964 ??: Berna TN4 Restaurado |
RA: Noblex Argentina SA; Nobleza Radio...
1969 ??: Giulietta TN5 |
RA: Delm; Buenos Aires.
1969 ??: Bencer Restaurado |
USA: Astatic Corp.; Conneaut (OH)
1947 ??: Cardinal |
RA: Alfide; Buenos Aires
1968 ??: De luxe 8 transistor all Wave La perilla de sintonía fina (centro) no es original. |
RA: Noblex Argentina SA; Nobleza Radio...
1950 ??: Desconocido - unknown 2 |
RA: Tonomac SAIC, Buenos Aires
1969 ?: Platino III |
RA: Eimac Industria; (where?)
1945 ??: Receptor Eimac |
RA: Delm; Buenos Aires.
1969 : Sax Catalogue of the manufacturer |
RA: Tonomac SAIC, Buenos Aires
1982 : Super Platino FM 6 Bandas con IC |
Result: 51 to 71 from 71 |
Click numbers for additional pages of Jorge Juan
Stark's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member Jorge Juan Stark opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 14.May.2014.
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