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José Cano Triguero, Spain - Radio collection

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ID = 10563
Photo José Cano Triguero

Below you find a part of the radio collection José Cano Triguero - including other related items.

Actualmente tengo un total de 10 receptores de radio: Grundig Modl. C-4100, Akkord Mdl. combiphc 2000, Schneider Mdl. ?, Akkord Mdl. ?, Invicta Modl. 5211, Philips Modl. ?, Aurora Modl. ?, Marconi Modl. M 49, Kit radio Maymó, Orión Mdl. ?. También poseo el curso de radio Fernando Maymó, más de 50 válvulas sin testar y 12 válvulas N.O.S. También poseo una colección de 40 discos de pizarra.
Result: 1 to 2 from 2
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Part of the radio collection of José Cano Triguero. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by José Cano Triguero but this is not necessarily all of José Cano Triguero's collection.

E:  Lavis S.A., Labelson; Barcelona
1971–74 : 
MG-1002 (C-1002) ET-85A

E:  Construcciones Aurora; Madrid
1951 ?: Desconocido 1 - unknown
Result: 1 to 2 from 2

Click numbers for additional pages of José Cano Triguero's collection of radios and other collectibles if any.

Our member José Cano Triguero opened his/her collection of radios and other related items on 29.Oct.2009.


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