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Below you find a part of the radio collection Jose-Carlos Blazquez-Souto - including other related items. From a very young age, I have been fascinated by the world of radio, dedicating myself professionally to the maintenance of electronic equipment, telecommunication and networks. In my spare time I dedicate myself to restoring all kinds of radio receivers to transistors and valves that fall into my hands. My modest collection is based on Spanish and Japanese radio receivers above all, in addition to a small representation of valve receivers.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Desde muy joven, me ha fascinado el mundo de la radio, dedicándome profesionalmente al mantenimiento de equipos electrónicos de consumo, de telecomunicación e informáticos. En mi tiempo libre me dedico a restaurar todo tipo de receptores de radio a transistores y válvulas que caen en mis manos. Mi modesta colección, se basa en radio-receptores españoles y japoneses sobretodo, además de una pequeña representación de receptores a válvulas. |
Result: 1 to 38 from 38 |
Part of the radio collection of Jose-Carlos Blazquez-Souto. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Jose-Carlos Blazquez-Souto but this is not necessarily all of Jose-Carlos Blazquez-Souto's collection.
J: Sanyo Electric Co. Ltd.; Moriguchi...
1962–68 : Transcontinental 3 Band 10 Transistor 10S-P10N (Japan 704) |
J: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
1960 ??: HiFi Transistor Portable Radio 10X-883 |
E: Vanguard; Hospitalet de Llobregat
1965 ??: Polaris de Luxe 12PT-S0 |
E: Vanguard; Hospitalet de Llobregat
1965 ??: Ranger Pesquera 18PT-S2 |
F: Sonora-Radio; Paris, Puteaux
1945 ?: Excellence 200 |
USA: Zenith Radio Corp.; Chicago, IL
1964 ?: Royal 500YE1 Pocket Radio 500YE1 Ch=8KT40Z2 |
D: Opta-(Spezial) (siehe auch Loewe-O...
1954/55 : Rheingold 5055W 15 Watt |
D: ITT Schaub-Lorenz
1969–71 : Touring Europa S 52150195 (weinrot) |
USA: Channel Master Corp.; USA
1962 ??: 14 Transistor High Sensitivity FM-AM 6518 |
E: Lavis S.A., Labelson; Barcelona
1965 ?: 750 FM/AM transistor (T-750-FM ET32A) |
J: Sanyo Electric Co. Ltd.; Moriguchi...
1959–61 ?: 8 Transistor Deluxe All Wave 8S-P2 |
J: Sanyo Electric Co. Ltd.; Moriguchi...
1966 ?: 9 Transistor 9G-802 |
J: Sanyo Electric Co. Ltd.; Moriguchi...
1962 : 9TR Deluxe Allwave 9S-P2 |
J: Sanyo Electric Co. Ltd.; Moriguchi...
1962 ??: All Wave Transistor 9 9S-P21 |
E: Mundial Radio; Barcelona
1960 ??: Concertino Transistores serie Melodía A-6-T |
J: Panasonic, Matsushita, National ナシ...
1961 ??: National 2 Band Transistor 9 AB-210 U |
J: Sanyo Electric Co. Ltd.; Moriguchi...
1971 ??: AFT-21 |
HK: Emperor; Hong Kong
1970 ?: Emperor AS2 |
J: Sharp; Osaka
1964–66 : Transistor 10 BXS-330 |
E: Vanguard; Hospitalet de Llobregat
1977 : Super Atlas FM80PT-S3 |
USA: Heathkit (Brand), Heath Co.; Bento...
1965 ??: RF Signal Generator IG-102 |
E: Marconi Española S.A. (Telmar); Vi...
1948 : M-49 |
J: Sanyo Electric Co. Ltd.; Moriguchi...
1972 ?: Portable Cassette Recorder MR-4010 & MR-4010G |
J: Sanyo Electric Co. Ltd.; Moriguchi...
1971/72 : MR-4141 |
J: Panasonic, Matsushita, National ナシ...
1963–65 : National Panasonic Super Sensitive 10 Transistor R-307 |
J: Panasonic, Matsushita, National ナシ...
1974–76 : 3-Band 2-Speaker 14-Transistor R-358B |
J: Panasonic, Matsushita, National ナシ...
1960 ?: National 8-Transistor 2-Band T-26 |
J: Panasonic, Matsushita, National ナシ...
1960 ?: National 8-Transistor 2-Band T-26T |
J: Panasonic, Matsushita, National ナシ...
1962 : National 2-Band 8-Transistor T-46 |
J: Panasonic, Matsushita, National ナシ...
1961–63 : National 2-Band 8 Transistor T-46T |
E: Lavis S.A., Labelson; Barcelona
1962 ?: T-750 |
E: Lavis S.A., Labelson; Barcelona
1960 ?: T-760 Múltiple (TR-760) |
E: Lavis S.A., Labelson; Barcelona
1972 ?: TR-416 (T-416) AM-FM |
J: Hitachi Ltd.; Tokyo
1960/61 : Kelly Transistor 8 WH-822H |
RA: Westinghouse Internacional, Compañ...
1934/35 ?: WR-27 |
E: Ducal, Germán S.A.; Barcelona
1940 ??: Desconocido - Unknown 2 |
ZZ: Unknown to us - Worldwide
1983 ??: Super Star 3600 CB Transceiver |
USA: Channel Master Corp.; USA
1965–70 ??: 6477 |
Result: 1 to 38 from 38 |
Click numbers for additional pages of Jose-Carlos
Blazquez-Souto's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member Jose-Carlos Blazquez-Souto opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 10.Mar.2015.
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