Below you find a part of the radio collection Josef Pils - including other related items. Röhrenradios von 1925-1940 |
Part of the radio collection of Josef Pils. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Josef Pils but this is not necessarily all of Josef Pils's collection.
A: Kapsch & Söhne (KS), Telephon- und...
1957/58 : Karat Wechselstrom |
A: Teirich & Leopolder, Leopolder & S...
1925 ?: Kopfhörer |
A: Jacobi; Radio-, Telegraphen- und T...
1929/30 : Kosmos |
A: Minerva-Radio (Radiola-Radioappara...
1935/36 : Largo U |
A: RaHa, Eugen Goldschmied; Wien
1930 : Little |
A: Kapsch & Söhne (KS), Telephon- und...
1936 : Lux W |
A: Ingelen, Elektrotechnische Fabrik ...
1935/36 : Mentor W Mit Schalltüren |
A: Kapsch & Söhne (KS), Telephon- und...
1935/36 : Meteor W |
A: Kapsch & Söhne (KS), Telephon- und...
1948/49 : Mucki 2 Röhren 110 Volt |
A: Horny (Hornyphon); Wien
1926/27 : Neutrovox 4 Röhren |
A: ÖTAG; Österreichische Telefonfabri...
1930/31 : Oberon G |
A: Zehetner (Radiobau-Zehetner); Wien
1955/56 : Piccolo 55 |
A: Minerva-Radio (Radiola-Radioappara...
1936 : Presto U Holz |
A: Minerva-Radio (Radiola-Radioappara...
1936 : Presto W Holz |
A: Kapsch & Söhne (KS), Telephon- und...
1955/56 : Primas |
A: Radione (RADIO Nikolaus Eltz); Wien
1927/28 : RAN 2-Röhren-Reinartz-Liliput |
A: Ingelen, Elektrotechnische Fabrik ...
1933/34 : Rex Super |
A: Ingelen, Elektrotechnische Fabrik ...
1933 : Super 4W |
A: Kapsch & Söhne (KS), Telephon- und...
1962/63 : Super Star |
A: Minerva-Radio (Radiola-Radioappara...
1935/36 : Tempo W Holz |
A: Minerva-Radio (Radiola-Radioappara...
1935/36 : Tempo W Pressstoff |
A: ÖTAG; Österreichische Telefonfabri...
1926 ?: Trichterlautsprecher Darling |
A: Schrack (Triotron); Wien
1929 ?: Triotron-Solovox |
Click numbers for additional pages of Josef
Pils's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member Josef Pils opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 23.Apr.2006.
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