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Jose Ignacio Gomez Ruiz, Spain - Radio collection

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ID = 33779
Photo Jose Ignacio Gomez Ruiz

Below you find a part of the radio collection Jose Ignacio Gomez Ruiz - including other related items.

Grundig 5040 w3d, Grundig 5050, Philips BX600A, Grundig 5570, AZ12, EL12, Lme PL800, Funke RPG 4/3, Neuberger WE250, Ireg GX 49, Ireg GX50
Result: 1 to 4 from 4
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Part of the radio collection of Jose Ignacio Gomez Ruiz. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Jose Ignacio Gomez Ruiz but this is not necessarily all of Jose Ignacio Gomez Ruiz's collection.

E:  Clomar Radio; Palencia
1960 ??: 

E:  Radiométrico, Carlos Ferrer; Barce...
1939 ?: Comprobador de válvulas (tube tester)

E:  Jema Radio Laboratorio Electrónica...
1955 ??: Jemakit Signal Tracer - Analizador Electrónico

E:  Jema Radio Laboratorio Electrónica...
1953 ??: Jemakit Voltímetro a Válvula (VTVM)

Result: 1 to 4 from 4

Click numbers for additional pages of Jose Ignacio Gomez Ruiz's collection of radios and other collectibles if any.

Our member Jose Ignacio Gomez Ruiz opened his/her collection of radios and other related items on 18.May.2023.


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