Below you find a part of the radio collection Juan Jose Roncal - including other related items. |
Part of the radio collection of Juan Jose Roncal. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Juan Jose Roncal but this is not necessarily all of Juan Jose Roncal's collection.
USA: R.K. Radio Laboratories, Inc.
1933 ?: S-4103 |
F: Ducastel Frères (DAHG); Clichy, Pa...
1953 : Saturne |
E: Radio Aragon; Sideral; Ramar; Zara...
1955 ?: Sideral Ensueño |
USA: Sparks-Withington Co., (Sparton); ...
1933/34 : Sparton 61 |
F: Océanic, ITT Océanic; Paris
1956 ?: Surcouf avec cadre - EM80 |
USA: RCA (RCA Victor Co. Inc.); New Yor...
1935 : T8-16 |
USA: RCA (RCA Victor Co. Inc.); New Yor...
1935 : T11-8 |
GB: Radio Instruments Ltd. & Aeronauti...
1946 ??: Unknown |
USA: RCA (RCA Victor Co. Inc.); New Yor...
1933 ?: Unknown 2 license production |
E: Alonso; Alonso Hermanos, S.L.; Zar...
1955 ??: Venecia |
USA: General Electric Co. (GE); Bridgep...
1947 ?: X260 |
USA: Sentinel Radio Corp., Evanston, Il...
1953 ?: 1U347P |
USA: Crosley Radio Corp.; Cincinnati (OH)
1948 : 58XTW |
USA: Pilot Electric Mfg. Co. (Radio Cor...
1935 ??: 125 |
USA: Atwater Kent Mfg. Co.; Philadelphi...
1933 : 165 |
USA: Atwater Kent Mfg. Co.; Philadelphi...
1934 : 206 |
USA: Atwater Kent Mfg. Co.; Philadelphi...
1933/34 : 636 |
USA: Colonial Radio Co.; Long Island an...
1933/34 : 657 |
Click numbers for additional pages of Juan Jose
Roncal's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member Juan Jose Roncal opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 10.Feb.2014.
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