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Klaus Buchner, Germany - Radio collection

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ID = 11046
Photo Klaus Buchner

Below you find a part of the radio collection Klaus Buchner - including other related items.

Grosley Triodyn 3-R-3 Type 1121, Egyesült Izzó (1925), Srewart-Warner Model 300, AEG Geadem 1w, American Bosch Model 38, Radieta SKD, Hectodino von Radio Saturno
Result: 1 to 6 from 6
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Part of the radio collection of Klaus Buchner. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Klaus Buchner but this is not necessarily all of Klaus Buchner's collection.

CS:  ETA spol. s r.o., Prague
1926 ??: Radieta SKD
D:  Siemens (& Halske, -Schuckert Werk...
1958 ??: Industrie-Fernsehen Kamera
IF K 001

Eigene Fotos meines Geräts
D:  TeKaDe (TKD), Süddeutsche Telefon-...
1961–67 : Autotelefon / Funktelefon

Eigene Aufnahme des Sendefrequenzfilters der Antennenweiche
E:  Radio Saturno; Barcelona
1928 ??: Hectodino
Eigenes Gerät, eigenes Foto
H:  Tungsram; Budapest (see also Briti...
1925/26 : 

Eigenes Gerät, eigene Aufnahme
J:  Sansei Electronics Corp (SEC).; To...
1961 ??: Hi-Mood AM/FM Radio
Sansei Hi-Mood Vorderseite. Eigenes Gerät, eigene Aufnahme.
Result: 1 to 6 from 6

Click numbers for additional pages of Klaus Buchner's collection of radios and other collectibles if any.

Our member Klaus Buchner opened his/her collection of radios and other related items on 05.May.2010.


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