Below you find a part of the radio collection Klaus Dräger - including other related items. Radios 20er bis 30er Jahre |
Part of the radio collection of Klaus Dräger. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Klaus Dräger but this is not necessarily all of Klaus Dräger's collection.
HK: Unknown - CUSTOM BUILT: Hong Kong ...
1990 ??: Camel |
F: La Radiotechnique (RT); Paris, Sur...
1925 : Chargeur Colloïd |
D: Grawor, Rundf.techn.Erz. Grass & W...
1927–31 : Choralion |
A: Zehetner (Radiobau-Zehetner); Wien
1957 : Darling |
D: SABA; Villingen
1931/32 : Dino - Dyno P |
USA: Silver - Marshall; Chicago, IL
1935 ??: Dynamic Speaker Unit 850 |
USA: Kodak - Eastman Kodak Company; Roc...
1990 ??: Ektacolor Pro Gold 160 |
CH: Paillard AG; St. Croix
1934/35 : Electromat |
CH: Gauer Electronic, Zürich
1961 : Gauers VHF |
A: Radione (RADIO Nikolaus Eltz); Wien
1957–59 : Gipsy |
F: Unknown - CUSTOM BUILT: France (IN...
1927 ??: Inconnu - Unknown 1 |
D: Telefunken Deutschland (TFK), (Ges...
1930 ??: Kammermikrophon |
EU: Unknown Europe
1870–30 ??: Leclanché Element All Élément primaire de leclanché Glaskörper 4-eckig, oben rund, ca. 12... |
CH: Iseli - Radio-Iseli AG; Zürich
1960/61 : LUX UKW |
HK: Unknown - CUSTOM BUILT: Hong Kong ...
1990 ??: Miracoli |
D: Telefunken Deutschland (TFK), (Ges...
1936 ?: Röhren-Vergleichsgerät |
CS: Tesla; Praha, Bratislava etc.
1948/49 : Rytmus |
CH: Paillard AG; St. Croix
1935–37 : Tell mit Röhre 47 |
A: Ingelen, Elektrotechnische Fabrik ...
1960/61 : TR Golf UKW |
D: Racema
1930 ??: unbekannt |
USA: Silver - Marshall; Chicago, IL
1932 ?: unknown |
CH: Trüb, Täuber & Co. AG; Zürich
1950 ??: Volt-Ohmmeter (U- & R-Messgerät) |
USA: Shure; Chicago, Evanston, Niles (IL)
1930 ??: 33 |
USA: Atwater Kent Mfg. Co.; Philadelphi...
1929 : 45 |
USA: Atwater Kent Mfg. Co.; Philadelphi...
1931 : 92F early; 25 Hz mains |
USA: Atwater Kent Mfg. Co.; Philadelphi...
1933 : 165 |
USA: General Electric Co. (GE); Bridgep...
1949/50 : 650 |
Click numbers for additional pages of Klaus
Dräger's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member Klaus Dräger opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 14.Sep.2003.
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