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Kresimir Hihlik, Croatia - Radio collection

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ID = 15539
Photo Kresimir Hihlik

Below you find a part of the radio collection Kresimir Hihlik - including other related items.

I started with Philips 22ah638 80's receiver and fell in love with vintage electronics. Now I've mostly Grundig components: amps V7000 and V20, tuners T7500 and T1000, Sanyo JA220 with it's tuner JT230L. Also some TT like Thorens stereo studio 215 (with TD166). Some of my dearest are Philips 811 cassette receiver and Grundig RPC500a studio. This comes with Grundig speakers, small ones - Box 360 and 250. I've also come to own a SABA Freiburg automatic 100 and some Supraphon GE080 turnables, waiting for restoration. I try to repair what I can, but I'm not an expert, though I can read schematics and make basic measurements. I've learned that in elementary school, when I made my first integrated amp from kit. It still works. :) There are some more vintage audio that I have, like Telefunken OPUS hifi 7050 and Philips tuner (I can't remember the which model) which are not working and I would like to repair and restore them. One thing at a time...
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Part of the radio collection of Kresimir Hihlik. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Kresimir Hihlik but this is not necessarily all of Kresimir Hihlik's collection.

D:  Grundig (Radio-Vertrieb, RVF, Radi...
1984 : HiFi Tuner
T 30

J:  Sanyo Electric Co. Ltd.; Moriguchi...
1982 ?: Stereo Integrated Amplifier

Result: 1 to 2 from 2

Click numbers for additional pages of Kresimir Hihlik's collection of radios and other collectibles if any.

Our member Kresimir Hihlik opened his/her collection of radios and other related items on 30.Sep.2012.


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