Below you find a part of the radio collection Marcin Seliwiak - including other related items. Pre war Polish and European radios, especially brand Philips. |
Part of the radio collection of Marcin Seliwiak. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Marcin Seliwiak but this is not necessarily all of Marcin Seliwiak's collection.
PL: Kosmos Radio SA; Warszawa
1938/39 : K98A |
PL: Kosmos Radio SA; Warszawa
1938/39 : K99A |
PL: Elektrit, Wilno
1938/39 : Kadet Z EF6 |
PL: Unitra ELTRA; Zaklady Radiowe; Byd...
1969 : Kama MOT662 b |
PL: Unitra FONICA, Łódźkie Zakłady Rad...
1966 ??: Karolinka 2 GE 56/2 EF80 |
PL: Radio Kenotron; Warszawa
1934/35 ?: KEU 3/GD |
PL: Unitra ELTRA; Zaklady Radiowe; Byd...
1960 ?: Koliber MOT59-1 |
PL: Unitra ELTRA; Zaklady Radiowe; Byd...
1960 : Koliber MOT601 |
PL: Unitra ELTRA; Zaklady Radiowe; Byd...
1963 : Koliber 2 MOT-611 |
PL: Unitra ELTRA; Zaklady Radiowe; Byd...
1964 : Koliber 3 MOT633 early version |
PL: Unitra ELTRA; Zaklady Radiowe; Byd...
1965 ?: Koliber 3 MOT633 |
PL: Elektrit, Wilno
1940/41 : Komandor U |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1928–31 : Konus-Lautsprecher heptagonal 2016 |
PL: Elektrit, Wilno
1938/39 : Kordial Z EF9 |
D: Siemens (& Halske, -Schuckert Werk...
1934/35 : Länderband-Super 48WLK |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1927–30 : Lautsprecher 2003 |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1929/30 : Lautsprecher 2019 |
PL: Telefunken - Krajowe Zaklady, Wars...
1936/37 : Lord AZ644 |
PL: Radio-Union; Warszawa
1939 ?: Lux 63 |
D: Blaupunkt (Ideal), Berlin, später ...
1932/33 : LW4000 |
LV: Tomass, A., radiodarbnica; Liepaja
1937/38 ??: M2 |
PL: Elektrit, Wilno
1937/38 : Maestro Z |
PL: Telefunken - Krajowe Zaklady, Wars...
1936/37 : Magnat CZ |
PL: Elektrit, Wilno
1936/37 : Maraton Z |
PL: Kosmos Radio SA; Warszawa
1937/38 : Matador K93A |
PL: Unitra DIORA - Radiowerk Dzierzoni...
1951–53 ?: Mazur-L |
PL: Unitra DIORA - Radiowerk Dzierzoni...
1961 : Menuet 6204 EM80 |
PL: Kosmos Radio SA; Warszawa
1937/38 : Meteor K92A |
PL: Unitra ELTRA; Zaklady Radiowe; Byd...
1965 : Minor MOT-631-2 |
SU: Minsk Radio Works; Minsk
1954/55 : Minsk {Минск} R-7 {Р-7} Baujahr (Образец) 1955 |
F: Radiola (marque)
1935/36 : Multi-Inductance / Super Octode 565A |
USA: Crosley Radio Corp.; Cincinnati (OH)
1927 ?: Musicone Type D |
D: Telefunken Deutschland (TFK), (Ges...
1939/40 : Musikschrank PSS 11/39 W |
D: Stern-Radio Staßfurt, VEB, RFT (Os...
1950/51 : Musikschrank Stern 4E63 |
PL: Unitra DIORA - Radiowerk Dzierzoni...
1957–61 : Nokturn 6174 |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1934/35 : Octode Super 522A (522A1, 522A2, 522A4) |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1934/35 : Octode Super 522U |
PL: Elektrit, Wilno
1937/38 : Opera Z |
PL: PZT - Państwowe Zakłady Tele- i Ra...
1948 : Orion RSZ-48 |
PL: Radio-Union; Warszawa
1936/37 ?: Orzel - Adler - Eagle Model 1937 |
D: Telefunken Deutschland (TFK), (Ges...
1958/59 : Partner II (2) |
PL: Elektrit, Wilno
1937/38 : Patria Z |
D: Philips Electro Special, Berlin (P...
1937 ?: Philoscop GM4140 /22 |
PL: Kosmos Radio SA; Warszawa
1937/38 : Pionier K90A |
PL: Unitra DIORA - Radiowerk Dzierzoni...
1948–59 : Pionier U2 bakelite This is a U2 in the case of a UT9. |
PL: Unitra DIORA - Radiowerk Dzierzoni...
1948 : Pionier 48 old |
PL: Unitra DIORA - Radiowerk Dzierzoni...
1947 ?: Pionier U T6 |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1937/38 : Polonaise 697BV |
PL: Unitra DIORA - Radiowerk Dzierzoni...
1956–58 : Polonez |
PL: Elektrit, Wilno
1937/38 : Presto Z |
Click numbers for additional pages of Marcin
Seliwiak's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member Marcin Seliwiak opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 18.Oct.2023.
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