Below you find a part of the radio collection Marcos Matos - including other related items. |
Part of the radio collection of Marcos Matos. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Marcos Matos but this is not necessarily all of Marcos Matos's collection.
D: Lorenz; Berlin, Zuffenhausen u.a.
1950/51 : Alster GW |
GB: Akura Ltd.; Edgware, Middlesex,
1990 ??: Always Coca-Cola C303 |
TW: Unknown - CUSTOM BUILT: Taiwan (RC)
1980 ??: AM/FM Microphone Radio On the Air OTA-70 |
J: Sanyo Electric Co. Ltd.; Moriguchi...
1980 ??: AM/FM Quartz Clock Radio & TV TPM 2175 |
P: Philips Portugal
1960 : B3LN95U (B3LN95U /00) |
P: Philips Portugal
1957 : B4LN76A |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1960/61 : B5X06T /01 |
D: Telefunken Deutschland (TFK), (Ges...
1966 ?: Bajazzo Sport 105 |
D: Graetz, Altena (Westfalen)
1959/60 : Baroness 810 |
D: Loewe-(Opta); Deutschland
1957/58 : Bella 2710W |
B: Belson (brand), Beltrans Trading; ...
1971 : Belson Micro Seven |
P: Philips Portugal
1951 : BLN236U 1951 |
D: Odeon (Marke), International Talki...
1934 ?: Bobby |
D: Neckermann-Versand KG; Frankfurt a...
1959 : Brillant-Stereo Art. Nr. 821/30 Ch= AD 1-743 |
CH: Philips - Schweiz
1946–49 : Butterfly BCH562A |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1951/52 : BX115U (-00) dial without station names |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1949/49 : BX485A /00 /02 |
B: Philips Belgium (Belgien)
1953/54 : BX533A |
B: Philips Belgium (Belgien)
1946 ?: BX560A /00 /02 |
E: Cosmo S.A., Industrias; Granollers...
1967 : C-510 |
F: Schneider (Frères, Radio-Télévisio...
1958/59 : Calypso |
D: Nordmende, Norddeutsche Mende-Rund...
1955/56 : Carmen 56/3D ohne Klangregister |
D: Nordmende, Norddeutsche Mende-Rund...
1957/58 : Carmen 58 3D Ch= 5712x |
HK: Unknown - CUSTOM BUILT: Hong Kong ...
1989 ??: Car model / Auto Modell (radio) all types |
CH: Biennophone; (Marke)
1962 : Celerina 6100 |
USA: Emerson Radio & Phonograph Corp.; ...
1939/40 : CG-268 Ch= CG |
CH: Autophon AG (inkl. Téléphonie SA);...
1939/40 : Champion 39 |
D: Grundig (Radio-Vertrieb, RVF, Radi...
1975–78 : City-Boy 700 |
D: Telefunken Deutschland (TFK), (Ges...
1955/56 : Concertino 6 Wechselstrom |
F: Continental Edison, Compagnie Cont...
1957 : D521 (521) |
D: Telefunken Deutschland (TFK), (Ges...
1958/59 : Dacapo 9 Export |
D: Telefunken Deutschland (TFK), (Ges...
1938–40 : Deutscher Kleinempfänger 1938 DKE38 |
D: Grundig (Radio-Vertrieb, RVF, Radi...
1950/51 : Drucktastensuper 380W/UKW |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1961 ?: EL3541 /00M |
D: Nordmende, Norddeutsche Mende-Rund...
1959/60 : Elektra U13 Ch= 0/613 |
F: SNR (S.N.R.), Société Nouvelle de ...
1951/52 : Excelsior 52 type européen alternatif, rimlock, EM4, 1BF |
A: Horny (Hornyphon); Wien
1956/57 : Exportvariante W257U /6b |
NL: Yoko Electronics, Allied Electroni...
1980 ??: F-3 |
GB: Raymond Electric, London
1948 ?: F19 |
J: Sanyo Electric Co. Ltd.; Moriguchi...
1978 ?: FM/MW/LW Stereo Receiver JCX 2100LZ |
D: SABA; Villingen
1955/56 : Freiburg Automatic 6-3D |
D: SABA; Villingen
1955/56 : Freudenstadt 6-3D |
D: Nordmende, Norddeutsche Mende-Rund...
1972/73 : Galaxy-mesa 9000-St / 2.100A Ch= 772.100A |
CH: Sondyna AG; Zürich-Effretikon
1961 : Garant E6100 |
D: Telefunken Deutschland (TFK), (Ges...
1958/59 : Gavotte 9 Export |
J: Fleetwood (brand?)
1961 ?: Globe Radio - Six Transistor NTR-6G |
I: ERA (E.R.A.) Officine Radiotecnich...
1950/51 : Gnomo R2/G |
F: Philips France; Paris
1952 : Goélette BF313A , BF313A /25 |
D: Schaub und Schaub-Lorenz
1962/63 : Goldsuper Stereo 30 natur |
J: Panasonic, Matsushita, National ナシ...
1975 : GX300 RF888JB |
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Matos's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member Marcos Matos opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 11.Oct.2024.
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