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Below you find a part of the radio collection Mario Vila Tella - including other related items. coleccion de radios antiguas y alguna lampara con anagrama nazi ,tambien material electrico antiguo ,disponiendo en la actualidad de un taller de electronica-empresa de electricidad e intalaciones de telecomunicaciones,TDT |
Result: 1 to 20 from 20 |
Part of the radio collection of Mario Vila Tella. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Mario Vila Tella but this is not necessarily all of Mario Vila Tella's collection.
E: Inter Electrónica, S.A., Inter-Gru...
1975 ??: E-128 TRP-316-C |
E: Invicta Radio, Barcelona
1958 : Iseo 5210 |
E: LME Laboratorio de Metrologia Elec...
1967 : Generador RF Vobulador VF-270 |
E: Magestico (Magnedine, Radio Pujals...
1953 ??: 173A |
E: Magestico (Magnedine, Radio Pujals...
1965 ??: Carabel 200 |
E: Ondina (Radio Eléctrica Solé S.A);...
1950 ??: R-75 antonio |
E: Philips Ibérica, COPRESA, Compañía...
1961/62 : B3E15A /00C / 00K |
E: Philips Ibérica, COPRESA, Compañía...
1963 ?: B4E26A |
E: Promax; Barcelona
1973 : Generador RF AM/FM-213 |
E: Promax; Barcelona
1975 : Generador RF AM/W-13-B |
E: Promax; Barcelona
1990 ?: CRT Analyzer / Rejuvenator RT-501B |
E: Promax; Barcelona
1990 ??: Frecuencímetro FP-600 |
E: Promax; Barcelona
1995 ??: Field Strength Meter MC-160 |
E: Promax; Barcelona
1999 ?: Satellite Signal Meter (Sat Finder) MS-250 |
E: Retex S.A.; Hospitalet de LLobregat
1960 : Generador de radiofrecuencia RF-1 |
E: Wonder, (where?)
1950 ??: IC-38 |
GB: Vidor Ltd.; Erith (Kent)
1950 : Attache CN396A |
PRC: Beijing 北京无线电厂 Beijing Radio Facto...
1968 ??: Peony 牡丹 648 aljekan |
USA: EICO (Electronic Instrument Co.Inc...
1958 ??: TV-FM Sweep Generator and Marker 368 |
USA: Emerson Radio & Phonograph Corp.; ...
1950 ??: 597 Ch= 120074A |
Result: 1 to 20 from 20 |
Click numbers for additional pages of Mario
Vila Tella's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member Mario Vila Tella opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 08.Jun.2009.
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