Below you find a part of the radio collection Massimo Carli - including other related items. Antichi strumenti di misura - Valvole - Vecchie radio in genere - Componenti di vecchi apparecchi - Autocostruzione su schemi di vecchi apparecchi. |
Result: 1 to 9 from 9 |
Part of the radio collection of Massimo Carli. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Massimo Carli but this is not necessarily all of Massimo Carli's collection.
CH: Trüb, Täuber & Co. AG; Zürich
1959 : Drehspul- Volt- und Ampèremeter - Voltamperometro 309141 |
CH: Trüb, Täuber & Co. AG; Zürich
1956 : Dynamometr. Präzisions-Ampèremeter 3333 50/6 |
I: Precision - Strumenti Elettrici di...
1940 ?: Misuratore ohmmetro elettronico di terra a valvola SNQ |
USA: Western Electric Company Inc.; New...
1948 ??: Oscillator (Audio, BF) 19C (SPL) |
HK: Nyce (Asia) Ltd.; Hong Kong
1980 : Oscilloscope TS 5000-00 |
GB: Advance Electronics / Components L...
1956 ?: Signal Generator D1/D |
GB: Turner, Ernest; High Wycombe
1975 ??: Voltmeter 32 |
I: Falco & C., Ing.; Torino
1956 ?: Wattmetro PI N° 798005 |
GB: Ferranti, GB
1949 : 600 Volt meter A 501 |
Result: 1 to 9 from 9 |
Click numbers for additional pages of Massimo
Carli's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member Massimo Carli opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 23.Sep.2015.
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