Below you find a part of the radio collection Matteo Agustoni - including other related items. Radios, Röhren, Tonbandgeräte, Plattenspieler |
Part of the radio collection of Matteo Agustoni. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Matteo Agustoni but this is not necessarily all of Matteo Agustoni's collection.
CH: Studer-Revox; Schweiz
1967–69 : A77 Mk I |
CH: Studer-Revox; Schweiz
1969–71 : A77 Mk II |
CH: Titan AG; Zürich
1949/50 : Tischkombi 503 |
CH: Unknown - CUSTOM BUILT: Switzerlan...
1934 ?: unbekannt (6 Röhren) |
CS: Jiskra, Výrobní Družstvo Strojníků...
1953–56 : Mir E615 |
CS: Philips akc. spol., Praha-Hloubetin
1932/33 : 830AS |
CS: Philips akc. spol., Praha-Hloubetin
1933/34 ?: 938AS |
CS: Philips akc. spol., Praha-Hloubetin
1934/35 : 520A1, 520A |
CS: Philips akc. spol., Praha-Hloubetin
1935/36 : Merkur 948A |
CS: Philips akc. spol., Praha-Hloubetin
1937/38 : Arioso 461A-14 |
CS: Philips akc. spol., Praha-Hloubetin
1937/38 : Toccata 696B-14 |
CS: Telegrafia, akc. spol., Praha-Pard...
1944–46 : Talisman |
CS: Titan, ES radiotovarna, Praha
1933/34 ?: VV |
D: Blaupunkt (Ideal), Berlin, später ...
1959/60 : Stuttgart Transistor ab Q 250001 |
D: Emud, Ernst Mästling; Ulm
1957–59 : Phono Rekord 368/11 |
D: Graetz Radio, Berlin Treptow SO36,...
1938–41 : Volksempfänger VE 301 Dyn W |
D: Grundig (Radio-Vertrieb, RVF, Radi...
1964/65 : Musikgerät 98M |
D: Lorenz; Berlin, Zuffenhausen u.a.
1933–38 : Volksempfänger VE301W |
D: Mende - Radio H. Mende & Co. GmbH,...
1934/35 : Geradeaus M225-W (225W) |
D: Nordmende, Norddeutsche Mende-Rund...
1954/55 : Carmen 55 Ch= 403 |
D: Nordmende, Norddeutsche Mende-Rund...
1956/57 : Kommodore-Phono 57 Ch= 764 + Rfk. Ch= 605 |
D: Philips Radios - Deutschland
1933/34 : Super inductance 634A |
D: Philips Radios - Deutschland
1955/56 : ND344V/01 |
D: SABA; Villingen
1937/38 : S-446WLK 446WLK fasches Modell |
D: Studer GmbH, Willi (ReVox); Löffin...
1974–77 : Revox A77 Mk IV CS Tischgerät ohne Endstufen |
D: Studer GmbH, Willi (ReVox); Löffin...
1981–93 : Revox B77 Mk II |
D: Tefag; Telephon Aktiengesellschaft...
1945 ??: K5AL Super |
D: Telefunken Deutschland (TFK), (Ges...
1953/54 : Jubilate mit Uhr (Schaltuhr) |
D: Telefunken Deutschland (TFK), (Ges...
1957/58 : IID11 |
D: Telefunken Deutschland (TFK), (Ges...
1958/59 : Jubilate 9 |
D: Tonfunk GmbH; Karlsruhe
1956/57 : Zauberperle W286F |
E: Vica (Talleres), Capdevila; Barcel...
1945/46 : 505 |
F: Arel, Applications Radio-Électriqu...
1956 : Simca Super Luxe Automatique |
F: Auditor; Pontarlier
1951 ?: 513 TC |
F: Balmet, J. Normand; Douai, Lille, ...
1951 : 610 ECH42 |
F: Eden-Électronique (CSF), Marcel De...
1957 : Mallette Électrophone 4 vitesses |
F: Emric, Éts. Modernes Radioélectriq...
1938 ?: 638A |
F: GMR (G.M.R.), Georg, Montastier et...
1935 : Echo 546 |
F: Malony-Radio, P.R.; Nice, Marseill...
1933 ?: Inconnu - unknown 6 |
F: Océanic, ITT Océanic; Paris
1954 : Albatros |
F: Philips France; Paris
1935 : 336A |
F: Philips France; Paris
1935 : 582A |
F: Radiola (marque)
1932/33 : Super-Inductance 425A |
F: Radiola (marque)
1932/33 : Super-Inductance 426A |
F: Sonaphone; Paris
1950 ??: M6 lampes rimlock |
F: Sonora-Radio; Paris, Puteaux
1945 ?: Excellence 200 |
GB: Alba (Brand) Balcombe Ltd., ALBA (...
1968 ?: Alba 333 (Japan 704) |
H: Orion; Budapest
1935/36 : 555 |
I: Autovox SPA; Roma
1960–62 : RA107 |
I: Ducati, SSR (Società Scientifica R...
1948/49 : RR3050 |
Click numbers for additional pages of Matteo
Agustoni's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member Matteo Agustoni opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 24.Feb.2013.
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