Below you find a part of the radio collection Michael Gnaedig-Fischer - including other related items. Militaerradios, Tonbandgeraete, Plattenspieler, Fernsehapparate, Messgeraete, Kopfhoerer, Antennen, Radiolas, Verstaerker, Signalgeneratoren, RPG, insgesamt ca. 2,000 Apparate (Inventarliste im Aufbau). ca. 10,000 Vakuumroehren und Transistoren im Bestand. |
Part of the radio collection of Michael Gnaedig-Fischer. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Michael Gnaedig-Fischer but this is not necessarily all of Michael Gnaedig-Fischer's collection.
J: Sony Corporation; Tokyo
1961 ?: TV Battery Charger Pack BCP-2 |
J: Sony Corporation; Tokyo
1979 : TV-FM/AM Receiver Cassette-Corder FX-412 |
USA: EICO (Electronic Instrument Co.Inc...
1965 ?: TV-FM Sweep /Marker Generator 369 USA |
USA: Sampo Corporation of America; Elk ...
1979 : TV-Radio-Cassette-Recorder 8703 Ch= KRV-3B |
ROK: Samsung Co.; Daegu
1990 ??: TV Remote Control AA59-00316C |
J: Sony Corporation; Tokyo
1980 ??: UHF Portable Tuner WRR-27 |
USA: Maxon America Inc.; Kansas City (MO)
1982 ?: UHF Transceiver CP-0520 |
USA: General Radio Company; Cambridge (...
1953 ?: Unit Oscillator 1215-B |
J: Sony Corporation; Tokyo
1985 ??: Universal Commander RM-Y112A |
USA: Hickok Electrical Instrument Co.; ...
1947 : Universal Crystal Controlled Signal Generator 288-X Gehaeuse stark verrostet,Geraet aber ansonsten im Originalzustand einschl. ... |
J: Sanyo Electric Co. Ltd.; Moriguchi...
1995 ??: Universal Remote B21302 |
USA: Radio Shack (Tandy, Realistic, Mic...
1980 ??: Universal Remote Control 15-1901 |
J: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
1980 ??: Universal Remote Control 939P355B6 |
D: Grundig (Radio-Vertrieb, RVF, Radi...
1958 ?: Universal-Röhrenvoltmeter RV2 6062 |
USA: Broksonic; New York (NY)
1975 ??: Universal TV-Radio-Cassette Recorder CIRT 1818 |
USA: Cosmos Electric Co.; New York City...
1937 ?: unknown |
USA: Motorola Inc. (ex Galvin Mfg.Co. C...
1940 ??: unknown |
USA: Westinghouse El. & Mfg. Co. - see ...
1940 ?: unknown Ch= V-2114X |
USA: American Microphone Co.; Pasadena ...
1955 ??: Unknown1 |
USA: Wells-Gardner & Co.; Chicago
1934 ?: Unknown1 |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1948 ??: unknown 3 band radio |
1938 ?: unknown 307769 |
USA: Hewlett-Packard, (HP); Palo Alto, CA
1954 : Vacuum Tube Voltmeter 400D 6625-643-1670 |
F: Radiophon (General Radio Co. USA);...
1968 ??: Variac W2.H |
J: Sony Corporation; Tokyo
1983 : VCR Betamax SL-2401 |
USA: Radio Shack (Tandy, Realistic, Mic...
1980 ??: Very Low Frequency Discriminator Detector MICRONTA 63-3003 |
CDN: Canadian Marconi Co. Ltd. (CMC, Es...
1970 ??: VHF-FM Mobile Portable BB-3006 Cat.No= MPN4H11 |
J: Yaesu-Musen Co. Ltd.; Tokyo
1975 ??: VHF FM Transceiver FTH-2009 |
J: Kenwood, Trio-Kenwood Inc.; Komagane
1975 ??: VHF FM Transceiver TK-240 |
USA: Samson Technologies; Hauppauge NY
1990 ??: VHF-FM True Diversity Receiver SR22 |
J: Icom, Inoue Communication Equipmen...
1980 ??: VHF Marine Transceiver IC-M11 |
USA: Maxon America Inc.; Kansas City (MO)
1982 ?: VHF Transceiver CP-0510 |
J: Yaesu-Musen Co. Ltd.; Tokyo
1975 ?: VHF/UHF Transceiver FTH-2070 |
J: Panasonic, Matsushita, National ナシ...
1987/88 : VHS-C Movie Camera NV-MC10 EG Carrying case |
TW: Unknown - CUSTOM BUILT: Taiwan (RC)
1981 : VHS Cassette Rewinder 63 Vette |
J: Panasonic, Matsushita, National ナシ...
1990 ??: VHS Worldwide Video Communication AG-W1-P |
AUS: Pyrox Ltd; Melbourne
1948 : Victor AK |
USA: RCA (RCA Victor Co. Inc.); New Yor...
1949 : Victrola 9-Y-7 Ch= RC-1057B |
USA: RCA (RCA Victor Co. Inc.); New Yor...
1925–28 ?: Victrola Granada VV 4-4 |
J: Sony Corporation; Tokyo
1990 ??: Video 8 Remote control RMT-506 |
J: Sony Corporation; Tokyo
1990 ??: Video Camera Recorder CCD-M8 |
J: Sony Corporation; Tokyo
1983 : Video Cassette Recorder Betamax SL-2400 |
J: Sony Corporation; Tokyo
1985 ?: Video Cassette Recorder EV-A300U |
USA: General Instrument Corporation (GI...
1991 : Videocipher II Plus Satellite Receiver CU 2400R |
USA: Weldex Corporation; Cypress, CA
2000 ??: Video Intercom WDV-113 |
PRC: Satow Electronic Co. Ltd.; Guangdong
2000 ??: Video-Torsprechanlage HI-461 |
J: Sanwa Electric Instrument Co., Ltd...
1965 ??: Vielfachmessgerät 300-BTR |
USA: Johnson Company, E.F.; Waseca, MN
1980 ??: Viking Handheld XR-HA83 |
USA: Craig Panorama Inc.; Los Angeles, CA
1965 ??: Vista Globe Radio Six Transistor NTR-6G |
USA: Radio Shack (Tandy, Realistic, Mic...
1980 ??: Voice actuated FM Transceiver TRC-506 |
Click numbers for additional pages of Michael
Gnaedig-Fischer's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member Michael Gnaedig-Fischer opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 04.Nov.2014.
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