Below you find a part of the radio collection Michael Gnaedig-Fischer - including other related items. Militaerradios, Tonbandgeraete, Plattenspieler, Fernsehapparate, Messgeraete, Kopfhoerer, Antennen, Radiolas, Verstaerker, Signalgeneratoren, RPG, insgesamt ca. 2,000 Apparate (Inventarliste im Aufbau). ca. 10,000 Vakuumroehren und Transistoren im Bestand. |
Part of the radio collection of Michael Gnaedig-Fischer. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Michael Gnaedig-Fischer but this is not necessarily all of Michael Gnaedig-Fischer's collection.
USA: RCA (RCA Victor Co. Inc.); New Yor...
1936 : T7-5 |
USA: RCA (RCA Victor Co. Inc.); New Yor...
1937 : 86T |
USA: RCA (RCA Victor Co. Inc.); New Yor...
1938 : 910KG Ch= RC-335F |
USA: RCA (RCA Victor Co. Inc.); New Yor...
1939 : 45X-1 Ch= RC-457A 2nd Production |
USA: RCA (RCA Victor Co. Inc.); New Yor...
1940 : 16T3 Ch= RC-509A |
USA: RCA (RCA Victor Co. Inc.); New Yor...
1941 : Q12 Ch= RC-563-B |
USA: RCA (RCA Victor Co. Inc.); New Yor...
1945 ??: Magic Loop Antenna |
USA: RCA (RCA Victor Co. Inc.); New Yor...
1948 : 16mm Motion Picture Projector RCA 400 (FP 10) |
USA: RCA (RCA Victor Co. Inc.); New Yor...
1948 ??: Portable amplifier MI-11202-A OP-6 |
USA: RCA (RCA Victor Co. Inc.); New Yor...
1949 : Victrola 9-Y-7 Ch= RC-1057B |
USA: RCA (RCA Victor Co. Inc.); New Yor...
1950 ??: Q520 |
USA: RCA (RCA Victor Co. Inc.); New Yor...
1950/51 : X-551 Ch= RC-1089B Restauration in Schwebe. |
USA: RCA (RCA Victor Co. Inc.); New Yor...
1952 ?: PX600 Globetrotter Ch= RC-1110 |
USA: RCA (RCA Victor Co. Inc.); New Yor...
1955 ?: 6-XY-5B Ch=RC-1152 |
USA: RCA (RCA Victor Co. Inc.); New Yor...
1956 ??: 16 mm Cine Projector - Amplifier MI-1342 |
USA: RCA (RCA Victor Co. Inc.); New Yor...
1960 ??: Eight Transistor All Wave Super |
USA: RCA (RCA Victor Co. Inc.); New Yor...
1990 ??: CD Player RP-7902A |
USA: Realtone Electronics Corp.; New York
1965 ??: 12 Transistor LW MW SW 1.2 TR-4250 |
USA: Regency (brand of I.D.E.A.)
1954 : Regency TR-1 Pocket Radio |
USA: Revere Camera Co.; Chicago (IL)
1954 : 400 |
USA: Revere Camera Co.; Chicago (IL)
1960 : Magnetic Tape Recorder T-2000 |
USA: Revere Camera Co.; Chicago (IL)
1961 ?: Microphone C-24-162-1 |
USA: RF Communications, Inc.; Rochester...
1962 : AM-SSB (LSB/USB) Transceiver Compacto 172 |
USA: Roberts Electronics Inc.; Los Ange...
1970 ??: 8 Track Player R-6871 |
USA: Royal (brand); where?
1965 ??: Transistor Radio |
USA: Sampo Corporation of America; Elk ...
1979 : TV-Radio-Cassette-Recorder 8703 Ch= KRV-3B |
USA: Samson Technologies; Hauppauge NY
1990 ??: VHF-FM True Diversity Receiver SR22 |
USA: Sandhurst (A&S Trading Co.); New Y...
1961/62 ?: 6 Transistor Phonoradio TPR-61 |
USA: Scientific Radio Systems, Inc., Ro...
1970 ??: Microphone MK 1001 |
USA: Sears, Roebuck & Co.; Chicago (IL)
1947–49 : Silvertone 8000 Ch= 132.838 |
USA: Sears, Roebuck & Co.; Chicago (IL)
1955 ??: Silvertone Indoor TV Antenna |
USA: Sears, Roebuck & Co.; Chicago (IL)
1959/60 : Silvertone Transistor 600 217 Ch= 528.53650 Order=57K217 |
USA: Sears, Roebuck & Co.; Chicago (IL)
1975 ??: Silvertone Preset FM Cassette Radio Corder COM/TREK (Japan 704) |
USA: Sears, Roebuck & Co.; Chicago (IL)
1996 ??: Cooler with AM/FM Radio and CD Player CDC-20 |
USA: Sentinel Radio Corp., Evanston, Il...
1942 : 268 |
USA: Shakespeare Elektronic Products Gr...
1990 ??: 393 |
USA: Sharper Image, The; San Francisco ...
1990 ??: Shower Companion S-1439 |
USA: Shure; Chicago, Evanston, Niles (IL)
1960 ??: Microphone 104a |
USA: Shure; Chicago, Evanston, Niles (IL)
1965 ??: Handheld Microphone unknown |
USA: Shure; Chicago, Evanston, Niles (IL)
1975 ??: Desktop Paging Microphone 550L |
USA: Sirius Satellite Radio, Inc.; New ...
2010 ?: Sportster SP-R1 |
USA: Sonic International Corp. (SIC); E...
1978 ??: Professional Series Pro-10 |
USA: SoundScriber Corp., The; New Haven...
1963 ??: Soundscriber 200 Soundscriber 200 |
USA: Sperry Gyroscope Company; Brooklyn...
1945 : Gyropilot - Amplifier assembly A-12 |
USA: Stereodyne, Inc.;Troy, MI
1975 ??: 8 Eight Track Cassette Cartridge Stereo 8 All |
USA: Stewart Warner Corp.; Chicago (IL)
1939 : 01-531S Ch= 01-53S |
USA: Stromberg-Carlson Co. ; Rochester ...
1965 ??: Neptuno 6J3-4 |
USA: Superex Electronics Corp.; Yonker...
1970 ??: The Superex Professional ST-PRO |
USA: Superior Instruments Co.; New York...
1960 ?: CRT Tube Tester 83 |
USA: Sylvania (Hygrade, GTE, Nilco); Em...
1975 ??: Multi-Band TR-144BK |
Click numbers for additional pages of Michael
Gnaedig-Fischer's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member Michael Gnaedig-Fischer opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 04.Nov.2014.
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