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Michael Watterson, Ireland - Radio collection

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ID = 14211
Photo Michael Watterson

Below you find a part of the radio collection Michael Watterson - including other related items.

Generally interested in all old radios and useful old test gear. Particularly at the moment in valve portable gear. Also interested in Amateur Radio (Construction as much as operation).

I used to write articles on old and modern technology on my old website Techtír (Technology land in Irish)..

I still do some restores, but mostly write.

Result: 201 to 211 from 211
Sort order:  [ Country / Maker/Brand | Year | Model name | Model number ]

Part of the radio collection of Michael Watterson. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Michael Watterson but this is not necessarily all of Michael Watterson's collection.

GB:  Ever Ready Co. (GB) Ltd.; London
1958 : Sky Leader
Uses PP9, carry strap is detachable.
GB:  Ever Ready Co. (GB) Ltd.; London
1957–62 : Sky Lord
GB:  Ever Ready Co. (GB) Ltd.; London
1964 ?: Sky Master Late
After cleaning and speaker cloth repair . S/N is SMR068499 so this later mo...
GB:  Ever Ready Co. (GB) Ltd.; London
1954 : Sky Prince
June 2012 as received. "Retro" style even in 1954?
GB:  Ever Ready Co. (GB) Ltd.; London
1953–55 : Sky Queen
As received, before restoration and repair. Inside front of case behind ca...
GB:  Ever Ready Co. (GB) Ltd.; London
1959/60 ?: Sky Queen II
These seem prone to cracked handle.
GB:  McMichael Radio Ltd.; Slough
1929 : Super Range Four
Advert by Brown Brothers (1929)
GB:  Lissen Ltd.; London and Richmond, ...
1932 : Two Valve Portable Battery
Cabinet only!
GB:  Gladstone Radio; Hampshire (Hants.)
1960 ?: VHF-FM self powered. Cased 4 valve
Rust removed and Resprayed. Knob missing, remaining knob may not be original.
GB:  McMichael Radio Ltd.; Slough
1935 : 235
GB:  Ferranti, GB
1952 : 925
Result: 201 to 211 from 211

Click numbers for additional pages of Michael Watterson's collection of radios and other collectibles if any.

Our member Michael Watterson opened his/her collection of radios and other related items on 26.Sep.2011.


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