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Neil Duncan, Great Britain (UK) - Radio collection

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ID = 28863
Photo Neil Duncan

Below you find a part of the radio collection Neil Duncan - including other related items.

My father purchased this EL3538A 80 Tape Recorder in the 50's and after his death it fell into my possession I have many original recordings that he made both music and family. Until recently it was working although the output was poor on some tape reels. Just the other day, for some unknown reason the spring on the capstan motor spindle broke and now needs replacing.
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Part of the radio collection of Neil Duncan. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Neil Duncan but this is not necessarily all of Neil Duncan's collection.

A:  Philips - Österreich
1959 : Maestro 300
EL3538A /80

Possibly the Achilles heel in the capstan drive spindle coupling. Fair wear...
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Our member Neil Duncan opened his/her collection of radios and other related items on 09.May.2019.


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