Below you find a part of the radio collection Nicolaas van Dijk - including other related items. approx 30 radios before 1940 including some homebrew with original materials, some military radios 1940 up, many old valves 1920 up, books 1908 up, many materials of old radios. Main interest before 1940 |
Result: 1 to 39 from 39 |
Part of the radio collection of Nicolaas van Dijk. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Nicolaas van Dijk but this is not necessarily all of Nicolaas van Dijk's collection.
ZZ: Unknown to us - Worldwide
1900 ??: unknown Spark Transmitter |
GB: GEC, General Electric Co Ltd., GEN...
1923 : Gecophone Loud Speaking Amplifier |
1925 ??: Superheterodyne before 1930 |
GB: Celestion; Kingston-on-Thames, Ips...
1926 ?: B6 B 6 |
USA: ION Radio Corp.; New York City
1926 ??: Regenola EC |
F: Rees Radio; Paris
1927/28 : Ideal 8 |
D: Konski & Krüger, Membra; Berlin
1927–29 : Membra Salon-Lautsprecher (Hekra?) |
GB: Kolster Brandes Ltd. (KB, K.B., IT...
1928 : KB 102 The control knobs seen in this image are not original |
USA: Freshman Co. Inc., Chas.., (Polydy...
1928 ?: Polydyne 5234 |
USA: Farrand Manufacturing Co.; Newark,...
1928/29 : Farrand Junior Model 64 |
GB: Kolster Brandes Ltd. (KB, K.B., IT...
1929 : KB 163 |
D: Philips Radios - Deutschland
1930/31 : 2024 |
GB: Marconi Co. (Marconiphone, Marconi...
1931 : Marconiphone 66 |
F: Elecco, La Construction Radio-Élec...
1933 : L4 |
F: Central des Ondes, Les Radioélectr...
1934 : 475 |
F: Coelivox, Lecoin, Caulier & Cie, E...
1934 ??: Inconnu - Unknown 1 |
D: Isophon, E. Fritz & Co. GmbH.; Ber...
1934/35 : Fama |
F: Marconi (marque), Cie. Fse. du Gra...
1935 : 20 Ch= 336 |
F: Ariane; Paris
1935/36 : E56 |
F: Inovat - voir aussi Émyphone; Boul...
1935/36 : 360 |
GB: HMV (Brand), His Masters Voice, Th...
1936 ??: Electric Gramophone 2100 |
F: Radiola (marque)
1936/37 : RA56A -20 |
D: Nora, Aron, Heliowatt; Berlin
1937 : Volksempfänger VE301Wn |
D: Blaupunkt (Ideal), Berlin, später ...
1937/38 : 4W57 |
F: Criler
1938 ?: inconnu unknown |
F: Ollimac Radio, Groupement National...
1938 ??: Inconnu - Unknown 1 |
USA: Hudson Motor Car Co.
1939 ?: DB-38 |
F: Dvorak, Charles, Constructions Rad...
1940 ??: TCR4 |
GB: Portadyne, (Brand), Dynaport Radio...
1945 ?: U57 |
F: Coelivox, Lecoin, Caulier & Cie, E...
1946 ?: Inconnu - Unknown 4 |
F: Philips France; Paris
1951 : Corvette BF412A |
D: Tonfunk GmbH; Karlsruhe
1952/53 : Violetta W252M |
B: Bell Telephone Mfg. Co. (Radiobell...
1952/53 ?: Radiobell Consolette Luxe |
F: Serret; Paris
1954 ?: Seltic |
F: Radio-Célard, Ergos, Célard-Ergos;...
1954–58 : Chrono Capte avec voyant Type N alimentation pour postes |
F: Ducretet (-Thomson; avant: Fernand...
1955 : Voix du Monde 55 |
F: SFAR (S.F.A.R.); Paris
1955 ?: Inconnu - Unknown 2 |
USA: Ten-Tec Inc.; Sevierville, TN
1987 : Corsair II (2) |
E: High Frequency Design Andalucia s....
2006 : Lola |
Result: 1 to 39 from 39 |
Click numbers for additional pages of Nicolaas
van Dijk's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member Nicolaas van Dijk opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 09.Mar.2011.
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