Below you find a part of the radio collection Nikolai Galak - including other related items. Restoring and collecting radios |
Part of the radio collection of Nikolai Galak. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Nikolai Galak but this is not necessarily all of Nikolai Galak's collection.
LV: VEF Radio Works (Valst Elektrotech...
1965 : VEF Spidola 10 First model |
LV: VEF Radio Works (Valst Elektrotech...
1966 : VEF Spidola 10 |
SU: Dnepropetrovsk Radio Works {Днепро...
1979 ?: Maâk {Маяк} 2 |
SU: Radiopribor n. S.P. Korolyov; Kiev
1971 : Ukraina {Украина} 201 |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1967–69 : IC2000 22IC2000 |
D: Philips Radios - Deutschland
1969–71 : Antoinette Transworld de Luxe 22RL798 |
LV: VEF Radio Works (Valst Elektrotech...
1975 : Spidola 230-1 |
USA: Realtone Electronics Corp.; New York
1970 ??: FM AM Air Police Solid State 2445 (Japan 604) |
LV: VEF Radio Works (Valst Elektrotech...
1979 : Spidola (Vega) 250 |
J: Sony Corporation; Tokyo
1966 ??: 2R-26 |
D: Grundig (Radio-Vertrieb, RVF, Radi...
1972/73 : Micro-Boy 300 |
D: Grundig (Radio-Vertrieb, RVF, Radi...
1973–76 : Signal 300K |
LV: Radiotehnika (RT) - after 1951 RRR...
1969–74 : Riga 302 |
D: Grundig (Radio-Vertrieb, RVF, Radi...
2002 ?: Ocean Boy 350 |
D: Grundig (Radio-Vertrieb, RVF, Radi...
1999 : City Boy 40 |
SU: Leningrad NOVATOR Works
1971 : Almaz {Алмаз} 401 |
SU: Kishtim Radio Works
1970 : Kvarc {Кварц} [Quartz] 401 |
SU: Kishtim Radio Works
1972 : Kvarc {Кварц} [Quartz] 402 |
LV: Radiotehnika (RT) - after 1951 RRR...
1972 ?: Selga 402 |
SU: Leningrad NOVATOR Works
1975 ??: Signal 402 |
SU: Moscow TEMP Radio Works/Plant (ex-...
1971–82 : Sokol - Сокол 403 |
SU: Kishtim Radio Works
1973–81 : Kvarc {Кварц} [Quartz] 404 |
LV: Radiotehnika (RT) - after 1951 RRR...
1974 : Selga 404 |
SU: Kishtim Radio Works
1975 : Kvarc {Кварц} 405 |
SU: Kishtim Radio Works
1980–85 : Kvarc {Кварц} [Quartz] 406 |
USA: Zenith Radio Corp.; Chicago, IL
1961 : Royal 500H Deluxe 500-H Ch=8HT40Z2 |
D: Grundig (Radio-Vertrieb, RVF, Radi...
2004 ??: City Boy 52-PR5102 |
D: ITT Schaub-Lorenz
1973/74 : TOURING international 104 A 52151437 |
J: WACO; Japan
1972 ??: Caribbean Cruiser Offshore Motor Ship 53-3585 (Japan 611) |
SU: Leningrad NOVATOR Works
1975/76 : Signal 601 |
SU: Dnepropetrovsk Radio Works {Днепро...
1971 : Ûpiter {Юпитер} [Jupiter ] 601 |
SU: Radiopribor n. S.P. Korolyov; Kiev
1967 ??: Meridian K11 6 Band 10 Transistor 6TR10-K11 |
SU: Radiopribor n. S.P. Korolyov; Kiev
1963 : Kiev {Киев} 7 |
LV: Radiotehnika (RT) - after 1951 RRR...
1963 : Selga 7 Transistor |
SU: Dnepropetrovsk Radio Works {Днепро...
1966 ?: ASTRAD-Nova 8 Transistors |
SU: Mashpriborintorg (Машприборинторг)...
1966 ?: SPORT 8 Transistors |
J: JVC - Victor Company of Japan, Ltd...
1975 ?: 8240L |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1982 : AL990 90AL990 /00 /01 /40 /51 |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
2000 : Portable radio AE 6775 |
PRC: Philips 飞利浦; ...
2000 : AM/FM Stereo Receiver AE6370 /00 |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1991 ??: AM-FM Stereo Recevier AE6545 /14P |
TW: Sangean; Chung Ho City
1999 ?: ATS-505 |
TW: Sangean; Chung Ho City
2011–20 ??: ATS-909X |
D: Philips Radios - Deutschland
1961/62 : Philetta 213 B2D13A |
D: Philips Radios - Deutschland
1957/58 : Philetta 273 BD273U |
J: Toshiba Corporation; Tokyo
1990 ??: BK-562 |
J: Sharp; Osaka
1968 ?: BP-102A |
D: Grundig (Radio-Vertrieb, RVF, Radi...
2003 ??: City Boy 50 CB50/50-PR5100 |
USA: Zenith Radio Corp.; Chicago, IL
1965 ??: Royal 20-G Vest Pocket Radio Ch= 8NT-47-Z9 |
USA: Motorola Inc. (ex Galvin Mfg.Co. C...
1960 : X21W Ch= HS-876 |
Click numbers for additional pages of Nikolai
Galak's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member Nikolai Galak opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 22.Jan.2024.
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