Below you find a part of the radio collection Nikolai Galak - including other related items. Restoring and collecting radios |
Part of the radio collection of Nikolai Galak. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Nikolai Galak but this is not necessarily all of Nikolai Galak's collection.
SU: Sarapoul Orjonikidze Radio Works
1966 : Rubin - Rubis L {Рубин Л} T7 {Т7} |
J: Aimor Electric Works, Ltd.; Tokyo
1979 ?: Transistorradio mit Uhr TCR-80FM |
J: Crown Radio Corp.; Tokyo
1963 : TR-650 |
J: Sony Corporation; Tokyo
1960 : TR-730 |
J: Sony Corporation; Tokyo
1971 ?: Solid State Super Sensitivity TR-8050 |
J: Sony Corporation; Tokyo
1962/63 : Transistor 9 Super Sensitive TR-911 |
LV: VEF Radio Works (Valst Elektrotech...
1985 : VEF 214 |
D: Grundig (Radio-Vertrieb, RVF, Radi...
2009 : Yacht-Boy 50 WR-5405 |
ZA: Barlow-Wadley Barlow's; South Africa
1973–76 : XCR-30 Mark 2 (II) |
LV: VEF Radio Works (Valst Elektrotech...
1955/56 : Турист - Turist ПМП-56 - PMP-56 below serial 140300 |
LV: VEF Radio Works (Valst Elektrotech...
1956 ?: Турист - Turist ПМП-56 - PMP-56 from serial 140300 |
SU: Leningrad NOVATOR Works
1964–71 : Almaz {Алмаз} [Almas] |
SU: Leningrad NOVATOR Works
1972 ?: Astrad Cygnus (Signal) |
LV: Radiotehnika (RT) - after 1951 RRR...
1961 ??: Gauja - Гауя |
SU: Sarapoul Orjonikidze Radio Works
1970 : Kosmos {Космос}-602 (Novel-2) |
N: Radionette; Oslo
1958–62 : Kurér Transi (Kurer) |
SU: Angstrem; Zelenograd, Moscow
1970 : Mikron - Микрон V.I.Lenin 100 |
SU: Angstrem; Zelenograd, Moscow
1966–68 : Mikro {Микро} [Micro] 6 Transistors |
CDN: Clairtone Sound Corporation Limite...
1970 ??: Mini Hi-Fi |
SU: Dnepropetrovsk Radio Works {Днепро...
1967 : Mriâ (Mrija) {Мрия} |
SU: Leningrad NOVATOR Works
1960/61 : Neva (Нева) |
LV: Radiotehnika (RT) - after 1951 RRR...
1964–69 : Orbita |
LV: Radiotehnika (RT) - after 1951 RRR...
1970 : Orbita 2 |
SU: Sarapoul Orjonikidze Radio Works
1966 : Orljonok (Orlionok) - Орлёнок (Орленок) |
SU: Leningrad NOVATOR Works
1965 ?: Sonata {Соната} |
LV: VEF Radio Works (Valst Elektrotech...
1960 : Spidola |
GB: Roberts Radio Co.Ltd., East Molese...
2006 : Sports 995 AM/FM Stereo |
SU: Grozny SINTAR Radiotechnical Works
1967 : Surpris - Sûrpriz - Сюрприз |
SU: Dnepropetrovsk Radio Works {Днепро...
1967 : Ûpiter-M {Юпитер-М} [Jupiter-M] |
SU: Dnepropetrovsk Radio Works {Днепро...
1964–67 : Ûpiter {Юпитер} [Jupiter ] |
LV: VEF Radio Works (Valst Elektrotech...
1962 : VEF Spidola |
LV: VEF Radio Works (Valst Elektrotech...
1962 : VEF Transistor - Tranzistors export |
Click numbers for additional pages of Nikolai
Galak's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member Nikolai Galak opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 22.Jan.2024.
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