Below you find a part of the radio collection Otto Tuil - including other related items. |
Result: 1 to 11 from 11 |
Part of the radio collection of Otto Tuil. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Otto Tuil but this is not necessarily all of Otto Tuil's collection.
B: Ekco Radio, Bruxelles
1935 : AC86 Vorne |
D: Elektrophysikalische Werkstätten N...
1983/84 : VE Hensi 10 Alternative arrangement of decorative bars in front of speaker cloth. |
D: Nora, Aron, Heliowatt; Berlin
1939/40 : Eger GW29 Pressstoffgehäuse |
D: Rosita, Theo Schmitz GmbH (Audion)...
1973 : Diadem 73 Ch= Grundig 8074 ST & Philips GC047 |
F: Centrad; Annecy
1957 : Mire Electronique 783 Vorne, ohne schrank |
GB: Mullard Wireless, London (see also...
1949 ?: MAS225 Vorne |
GB: Mullard Wireless, London (see also...
1949 ?: MAS230 Vorne |
NL: Erres, Van der Heem NV; Den Haag
1939 : KY539 Skala |
NL: Erres, Van der Heem NV; Den Haag
1954/55 : KY364U-01 |
NL: Weco N.V. Radiofabriek; Amsterdam
1936 : Ambassador 375 AC-DC |
NL: Weco N.V. Radiofabriek; Amsterdam
1936 ?: 365 |
Result: 1 to 11 from 11 |
Click numbers for additional pages of Otto
Tuil's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member Otto Tuil opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 25.Jun.2006.
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