Below you find a part of the radio collection Pasqualino Franco - including other related items. Radio e valvole |
Result: 1 to 20 from 20 |
Part of the radio collection of Pasqualino Franco. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Pasqualino Franco but this is not necessarily all of Pasqualino Franco's collection.
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1928–31 : 2514 |
S: SR, Svenska Radioaktiebolaget (SRA...
1929 : Radiola HLL 220 |
S: Miko Radio AB; Stockholm
1930 ??: Dixi |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1930/31 : 2531 |
S: Luxor Radio AB; Motala
1931 ??: 212 HW |
I: Marelli (Radiomarelli); Sesto San ...
1934 : Tamiri Ch= 20 |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1934/35 : Octode Super 522U |
CS: Philips akc. spol., Praha-Hloubetin
1934/35 : 944A-19 |
I: Magnadyne Radio; Torino
1936/37 : Duotonal SV13 |
I: Marelli (Radiomarelli); Sesto San ...
1937 : Alcor Lusso Ch= 56 |
S: Stern & Stern (Concerton / Consert...
1937 : Concerton V6 |
I: Marelli (Radiomarelli); Sesto San ...
1937/38 : Assab |
GB: Marconi Co. (Marconiphone, Marconi...
1937/38 : 559 |
I: Marelli (Radiomarelli); Sesto San ...
1938/39 : Altair |
I: Telefunken Italia, Milano
1947/48 : T5 |
I: Geloso SA; Milano
1949 : G503RE mancano 2 manopole, in rifacimento |
I: CGE, Compagnia Generale di Elettri...
1949/50 : 395 Il modello in mio possesso monta la valvola finale 6v5G e la raddrizzatrice... |
J: Sony Corporation; Tokyo
1958 : Six Transistor TR-610 |
USA: Philco, Philadelphia Stg. Batt. Co...
1961 : NT-802BKG (black) |
J: Aiwa Co. Ltd.; Tokyo
1965 ??: AR-665 |
Result: 1 to 20 from 20 |
Click numbers for additional pages of Pasqualino
Franco's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member Pasqualino Franco opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 16.Nov.2012.
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