Collection de Patrick Jankowiak, Etats-Unis

Information - Aide
ID = 22120
Photo Patrick Jankowiak

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I like vacuum tube and transistor (prefer no ICs) military, commercial, and industrial radio sets of digital or analog synthesized types, and/or superheterodyne type. Including GSB900DX, R390A, R-220, R-1307, 618S-1, GRC-106, RT246, PRC-25, 75A-4, FA-8190/8191, etc. Also high power vacuum tube public address amplifiers, and high powered plate modulated AM transmitters, and test instruments like vacuum tube type regulated power supplies, volt-meters, spectrum analyzers, and also instruments with CRTs in general. Also RADAR sets, collecting and repairing where possible (even if a license is impossible, I prefer them to function). A Rohde&Schwarz Polyskop II analyzer is in process of restoration. If I find an item that is very rare, I always wish to preserve it or to transfer it to someone who will see that perhaps the last specimen on earth is not destroyed.
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Aucun appareil avec des images n'a été trouvé dans cette collection.

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