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Below you find a part of the radio collection Pepe Barba - including other related items. Telefunken(Valvulas serie roja),Philips (Radio tocadiscos Valvulas), otros radios de valvulas.varios aparatos de radio a pilas años 70 (Funcionando todos).Material de taller Osciloscopio, voltimetro valvulas, generadores de señal (radio, TV). Emisoras :Sommerkamp, Pony, varios autoconstRuidos(CARKIT),Diverso material en componetes y publicaciones de mas de 30 años, asociado a URE ESPAÑA. UN SALUDO |
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Part of the radio collection of Pepe Barba. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Pepe Barba but this is not necessarily all of Pepe Barba's collection.
E: Telefunken Radiotécnica Ibérica; G...
1948 : Gran Orquesta 888A Modelo "GRAN ORQUESTA 888A" , Rectificadora AZ1 , Ojo magico EM4, convers... |
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Click numbers for additional pages of Pepe
Barba's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member Pepe Barba opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 16.Feb.2009.
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