Below you find a part of the radio collection Perica Adnadevic - including other related items. I have few old radios: 1.Grundig 5040W 2.Grundig 3040a 3.Nordmende Fidelio 4.Loewe-Opta Luna Stereo 5.Saba Lindau 15 6.Tuskanac 56(RIZ Croatia) and some NOS and used tubes. I'm very interested in old electronics generaly. I have also old Tektronix 545A with about 90 tubes. |
Result: 1 to 10 from 10 |
Part of the radio collection of Perica Adnadevic. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Perica Adnadevic but this is not necessarily all of Perica Adnadevic's collection.
YU: Telekomunikacije Ljubljana
1957 ?: Soča RA16 6 tubes |
YU: RR Zavodi (Radio Röntgen), Заводи ...
1958 ?: RR510 EM11 |
USA: Tektronix; Portland, OR
1959 : Oscilloscope 545A |
YU: Radioindustrija Nikola Tesla; Beog...
1959 : Tesla 59-A/II |
D: Rohde & Schwarz, PTE; München
1960 ??: RC-Generator SRB (BN40851) |
YU: RR Zavodi (Radio Röntgen), Заводи ...
1960 ??: Simfonija |
D: Siemens (& Halske, -Schuckert Werk...
1965/66 : Bildmeister FT75 |
D: Rohde & Schwarz, PTE; München
1966 ??: Oscilloscope OMTF BN1915/4 |
YU: RIZ, Radio Industrija Zagreb; Zagreb
1968 ?: Atlantic 245 |
D: Siemens (& Halske, -Schuckert Werk...
1968 ??: Fernschreib-Verzerrungsmesser T mse89b/200 |
Result: 1 to 10 from 10 |
Click numbers for additional pages of Perica
Adnadevic's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member Perica Adnadevic opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 23.Nov.2005.
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