Below you find a part of the radio collection Peter Timpel - including other related items. Röhren ,Röhrenradios, Militärempfänger |
Result: 1 to 7 from 7 |
Part of the radio collection of Peter Timpel. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Peter Timpel but this is not necessarily all of Peter Timpel's collection.
D: Militär (verschiedene Hersteller g...
1935–45 : Tornister-Empfänger b ("Berta") Torn. E.b. |
D: Telefunken Deutschland (TFK), (Ges...
1938–44 : Kurzwellen-Empfänger a (Anton) Kw.E.a (E454Bs) |
D: Stassfurter Licht- und Kraftwerke ...
1939/40 : Imperial 60WK (J60WK) |
D: Militär (verschiedene Hersteller g...
1941 ?: Wehrmacht-Rundfunkempfänger "Rudi" WR1/P |
LV: VEF Radio Works (Valst Elektrotech...
1941–44 : Vefsuper KB416 militär |
D: Funke, Max, Weida/Thür. (Ostd.) (D...
1943 : Röhrenprüfgerät RPG4/3 124-1415 A-3 |
D: Elektroakustik Hartmannsdorf, EAH,...
1965 : Ramona 6505 |
Result: 1 to 7 from 7 |
Click numbers for additional pages of Peter
Timpel's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member Peter Timpel opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 11.May.2009.
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