Pieter Kralt, Holanda - Radio collection

Información - Ayuda
ID = 18161
Photo Pieter Kralt

Below you find a part of the radio collection Pieter Kralt - including other related items.

I'm a radiomateur and a professional digital electronics specialist. Analog and radio, espacially tube radios, are the things I ever started to do as a hobby that still lasts. I've no place for a collection but I like the technical side of the old radios. So I give advice, answer quetions, explain some theory, repair old tube radios meanwhile still learning. I ever started to collect schematics and other documentation but lost a lot of it. Still have some transistor schematics I think not available on RM yet. Pieter Kralt aka petrus bitbyter
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No radios found with images from this collection.

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