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Rene Chenier, Canada - Radio collection

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ID = 19442
Photo Rene Chenier

Below you find a part of the radio collection Rene Chenier - including other related items.

Result: 1 to 19 from 19
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Part of the radio collection of Rene Chenier. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Rene Chenier but this is not necessarily all of Rene Chenier's collection.

CDN:  Electrohome (Dominion Industries, ...
1960 ??: 

Shown is front of cabinet. Cabinet is in rough shape.
CDN:  Sylvania Electric (Canada) Ltd. (N...
1957 ?: 2101
Ch= 1-607-5

Radio is from my own collection. Needed serious cleaning. Cabinet is in p...
USA:  Sears, Roebuck & Co.; Chicago (IL)
1938 : Silvertone 6173
Ch= 101.528

This is a radio that I repaired for a customer
CDN:  Canadian Admiral Co. Ltd; Long Bra...
1958 ?: 202X
Ch= 200X

Picture is of front. As you can see, it is not in the best of condition an...
USA:  Admiral (brand) Continental Radio ...
1959 ?: 4L26A
Ch= 4L2A

Picture from my own collection. Cabinet needed cleaning but is in excellen...
CDN:  Simpsons Sears Ltd.; Toronto, Onta...
1965 ??: Silvertone 10430
Ch= C817-21075

Picture showing front cabinet after cleaning. Clock and radio work fine.
USA:  Westinghouse El. & Mfg. Co. - see ...
1963 ?: H-852N6
Ch= V-2428 (-3, -4)

CDN:  PYE Canada, Ontario
1953 ??: Radiogram

CDN:  Philips Canada
1947/48 : CM-60A
This is radio that I repaired for a customer.
CDN:  Canadian General Electric (Canada)...
1937/38 : F57
Purchased at the Ottawa-Carleton flea market for $10.00 cdn. We restored th...
CDN:  Electrical Products Mfg. Co. Ltd.;...
1962 ?: Fleetwood 5049
Front of this radio has very little damage and looks rather good.
CDN:  Canadian Marconi Co. Ltd. (CMC, Es...
1929/30 : Model XVI (16)
Bought this radio through Kijiji. Cabinet was in good condition, but had b...
CDN:  Rogers-Majestic, Standard Radio Ma...
1956 ?: R555
Radio from my own collection. Tuner was very dirty and required many shots...
CDN:  Eaton Co. Ltd., The T. (Viking); T...
1958 ?: Viking RM290RR
Cabinet in original condition. Cabinet front in very good condition.
USA:  Esquire Radio Corp.; New York, NY
1952 : 550U
This is a picture of the schematic pasted to the bottom of the cabinet
CDN:  Canadian Westinghouse, Hamilton
1939/40 : 556-A
Original back cover showing model information and s/n
CDN:  Canadian Westinghouse, Hamilton
1939/40 : 754-A
Purchased at a flea market in Kingston, Ontario. Cabinet is in great condi...
CDN:  Philips Canada
1947/48 : 810
Picture shows back side of chassis with tubes after restoration.
CDN:  Emerson Canada; Toronto
1956 ?: 852
Cabinet is in very good condition with the exception of very small crack on...
Result: 1 to 19 from 19

Click numbers for additional pages of Rene Chenier's collection of radios and other collectibles if any.

Our member Rene Chenier opened his/her collection of radios and other related items on 28.Nov.2013.


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