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Below you find a part of the radio collection Rich Post - including other related items. Some of my content has been in RMorg dating from communications with E. Erb in previous years. (Example: Zenith 9H988R LP Ch=9E21) I continue to write a monthly column on radio restoration as well as occasional feature articles for "The Spectrum Monitor" magazine having done so for the past 10 years.(See my website for details). Was webmaster for the Museum of Radio & Technology for its first 25 years. My collecting interest is mainly "heavy metal" (Communication radios and transmitters) but also just about any interesting entertainment radio and test gear. Am always interested in the historical context of various radios and related technology. |
Part of the radio collection of Rich Post. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Rich Post but this is not necessarily all of Rich Post's collection.
USA: Keithley Instruments Inc.; Clevela...
1951 : Vacuum Tube Electrometer 200 Keithley Electrometer model 200 |
USA: Kem-Tron Industries; Youngstown, OH
1980 ??: Regulated Power Supply KTI-20 Kem-Tron KTI-20 power supply |
USA: Kepco Laboratories; Flushing, NY
1961 ??: Regulated Power Supply 605 Kepco 605 Regulated Power Supply lighting eight C-7 bulbs |
USA: Lafayette Radio & TV Corp; New Yor...
1935/36 : A-31 The Lafayette 3J4 (Catalog number A-31) back in service |
USA: Lafayette Radio & TV Corp; New Yor...
1959 : Crystal Mike PA-42 PA-42 mike in Lafayette catalog 590 (1959) |
USA: Lafayette Radio & TV Corp; New Yor...
1959 : Explor-Air 4-Band Receiver Kit KT-135 Lafayette KT-135 in design and color as introduced |
USA: Lafayette Radio & TV Corp; New Yor...
1960 ??: Capacitor Resistor Checker LC-4 Lafayette LC-4 capacitor tester |
USA: Lafayette Radio & TV Corp; New Yor...
1960 ??: Communications Receiver KT-200 Lafayette KT-200 Receiver, The tuning and bandspread knobs are not correct ... |
USA: Lafayette Radio & TV Corp; New Yor...
1960 ??: KT-195 Lafayette LA-23 / KT-195 Audio Amp & Wireless Broadcaster. The kit version... |
USA: Lafayette Radio & TV Corp; New Yor...
1961/62 ?: Vacuum Tube Voltmeter (VTVM) KT-174 Lafayette KT-174 VTVM showing probe on DC volts. |
USA: Lafayette Radio & TV Corp; New Yor...
1963/63 : Communications Receiver HE-60 Lafayette HE-60 |
USA: Lafayette Radio & TV Corp; New Yor...
1964–66 : HA-230 Lafayette HA-230 with matching speaker |
USA: Lafayette Radio & TV Corp; New Yor...
1964–68 : HA-350 Lafayette HA-350 receiver |
USA: Lafayette Radio & TV Corp; New Yor...
1967 ?: Explor-Air Mark V Lafayette Explor-Air Mark V Receiver |
USA: Lear Inc.; Grand Rapids and Los An...
1947 : Learavian - Beacon, Broadcast and Airline Receiver RM-402C Learavian RM-402C |
USA: Liberty Electric Corporation; Por...
1918 ??: Radio Receiving Set Box BC-14 A BC-14A receiver - part of SCR54 (reduced size for Rmorg) |
USA: Lifetime Sound Equipment. Co., The...
1933 : Microphone No. 6 Lifetime Toledo Micrphone number 6 on homebrew ring stand |
USA: Magnavox Co., Commercial Wireless ...
1947 ?: 342K CR-202C and AMP-109 Magnavox model 342K console radio-phono |
USA: Magnecord, Inc. (Magnecorder); Chi...
1958 ?: Magnecorder PT 6-J Magnecord PT6-J amplifier (with onboard erase oscillator for tape recorder ... |
USA: Master's Art Inc.; Yonkers (NY)
1965 ?: RT200 The Master's Art 200 with original finish showing the gold striping and pot... |
USA: Measurements Corporation, Boonton NJ
1947–55 : Megacycle Meter 59 (grid dip) Megacycle Meter 59 (grid dip meter), Measurements Corporation, shown with c... |
USA: Meissner Mfg. Div., Maguire Indust...
1938 ?: 5-Tube AC T.R.F. Kit 10-1106 Meissner 10-1106 Broadcast TRF chassis |
USA: Meissner Mfg. Div., Maguire Indust...
1941 ?: Analyst 9-1040 Meissner Analyst 9-1040 ready for action in all functions, showing lighted ... |
USA: Meissner Mfg. Div., Maguire Indust...
1945 : 9-1085 9=1085 var 2 Meissner 9-1085 Broadcast-SW radio |
USA: Meissner Mfg. Div., Maguire Indust...
1948 : Signal Shifter EX Meissner EX on 10 meters. The lamp on top is a C-7 incandescent (7 watt) b... |
USA: Meissner Mfg. Div., Maguire Indust...
1951 ?: 9-1091C FM-AM Tuner Meissner AM-FM tuner model 9-1091C with escutcheon and wood panel,3/4 angle... |
USA: MFJ Enterprises; Starkville (MS)
1981 ?: DeLuxe RF Preselector II MFJ-1040B MFJ-1040B DeLuxe RF Preselector II |
USA: MFJ Enterprises; Starkville (MS)
1985 ??: Deluxe Versa Tuner II (2) MFJ-949C MFJ-949C Deluxe Versa Tuner II has a built-in dummy load and cross-needle p... |
USA: MFJ Enterprises; Starkville (MS)
1991 ?: Versa Tuner 2 MFJ-941E MFJ-941E Versa Tuner II |
USA: MFJ Enterprises; Starkville (MS)
1996 ?: HF/VHF SWR Analyzer MFJ-259 MFJ-259 HF/VHF SWR Analyzer showing its SWR and antenna resistance meters a... |
USA: MFJ Enterprises; Starkville (MS)
2005 ??: HF/VHF SWR Analyzer MFJ-209 MFJ-209 HF-VHF SWR Analyzer |
USA: Midland International Corporation,...
1964 ??: Dual Crystal Mike 22-104 Midland 22-104 model dual crystal microphone |
USA: Midland International Corporation,...
1980 ??: Field Strength Indicator & Standing Wave Bridge 23-126 Midland 23-126 sniffing the field strength of a signal generator used as a ... |
USA: MILITARY U.S. (different makers fo...
1935–70 ??: General Purpose Key J-37 J-37 key, The indented area in the base was intended for wrapping an attach... |
USA: MILITARY U.S. (different makers fo...
1937–55 ??: T-17 Microphone T-17 (variation 3083-CHI-42) |
USA: MILITARY U.S. (different makers fo...
1939 ?: Model ARA Aircraft Radio Receiver CCT-46104 ARA Command receiver type CCT-46104 serial number 451 with the tube cover off |
USA: MILITARY U.S. (different makers fo...
1939 ?: Model ATA Aircraft Radio Transmitter CCT-52232 US Navy ATA Command Transmitter Type CCT-52232 (2.1-3MHz) |
USA: MILITARY U.S. (different makers fo...
1940 : Radio Set SCR-274-N Command Radio SCR-274N rack mount type FT-226A with BC-696A and BC-457A |
USA: MILITARY U.S. (different makers fo...
1940 ?: BC-946-B BC-946B receiver showing knobs indicating a later modification. The origin... |
USA: MILITARY U.S. (different makers fo...
1940 ??: BC-342-(*) (BC342) Signal Corps BC-342N receiver |
USA: MILITARY U.S. (different makers fo...
1940–46 : BC-348-(*) (BC348) US Army BC-348Q Signal Corps Order No. 11415 WF-43, serial number 2896, wit... |
USA: MILITARY U.S. (different makers fo...
1942 : Antenna Tuning Unit BC-306A BC-306A tuning unit made by GE |
USA: MILITARY U.S. (different makers fo...
1942 ?: Radio Transmitter BC-696-(*) SCR-274N transmitter model BC-696A |
USA: MILITARY U.S. (different makers fo...
1943 : Radio Receiver (military) R-27/ARC-5 ARC-5/R-27 Commands Receiver |
USA: MILITARY U.S. (different makers fo...
1945 ??: Radio Beam Filter NAF 68304 Beam filter US-Navy |
USA: MILITARY U.S. (different makers fo...
1950 ??: Meter Field Strength ME-61/GRC Field Strength Meter MF-61/GRC made by United Telecontrol Electronics (UTE) |
USA: MILITARY U.S. (different makers fo...
1958 : Electronic Multimeter TS-505D/U TS-505D/U VTVM (Vacuum Tube Voltmeter) |
USA: MILITARY U.S. (different makers fo...
1961 ?: Portable FM transceiver AN/PRC-59 AN/PRC-59 transceiver |
USA: MILITARY U.S. (different makers fo...
1961–69 : Power Supply PP-2684/GRC-109 Testing the voltage output of the PP-2684/GRC-109 power supply (ser #190) a... |
USA: MILITARY U.S. (different makers fo...
1961–69 : Power Supply PP-2685/GRC-109 AN/GRC-109 with PP-2685 power supply unit (ser #421) at top of picture, R-... |
Click numbers for additional pages of Rich
Post's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member Rich Post opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 16.May.2021.
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