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Below you find a part of the radio collection Rich Post - including other related items. Some of my content has been in RMorg dating from communications with E. Erb in previous years. (Example: Zenith 9H988R LP Ch=9E21) I continue to write a monthly column on radio restoration as well as occasional feature articles for "The Spectrum Monitor" magazine having done so for the past 10 years.(See my website for details). Was webmaster for the Museum of Radio & Technology for its first 25 years. My collecting interest is mainly "heavy metal" (Communication radios and transmitters) but also just about any interesting entertainment radio and test gear. Am always interested in the historical context of various radios and related technology. |
Part of the radio collection of Rich Post. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Rich Post but this is not necessarily all of Rich Post's collection.
USA: RCA (RCA Victor Co. Inc.); New Yor...
1950–52 : 45-EY-2 Ch= RS-138A Early Production RCA 45-EY-2 early model with RS-138A amplifier (12SQ7, 50L6 and 35W4) as in... |
USA: RCA (RCA Victor Co. Inc.); New Yor...
1952 : 2BX63 Ch= RC-1115 RCA 2BX-63 portable AM broadcast radio |
USA: RCA (RCA Victor Co. Inc.); New Yor...
1955 ?: 7-EY-2HH "Deluxe 3" Ch= RS-155A RCA Deluxe 3 model 7-EY-2HH playing a 45 RPM record |
USA: RCA (RCA Victor Co. Inc.); New Yor...
1965 ?: Power Line Monitor WV-120A RCA WV-120A power line monitor |
USA: Remco Toys Inc.; Newark, NJ, USA
1955 ??: Tiny Tim Pocket Toy Radio Style 608 Tiny Tim crystal radio showing folded antenna |
USA: Remco Toys Inc.; Newark, NJ, USA
1960 ??: Radiocraft Transistor Radio Kit 107 Remco Radiocraft toy one-transistor set |
USA: Scott; H.H.; Maynard, Massachusetts
1961 ?: Stereomaster 222-C HH Scott 222C with case cover |
USA: Scott; H.H.; Maynard, Massachusetts
1962 : Wideband FM MPX Stereo Tuner 350B Scott 350B with metal-leatherette case |
USA: Scott; H.H.; Maynard, Massachusetts
1962 ?: Stereomaster 340 HH Scott 340 'StereoMaster' receiver open view |
USA: Scott Radio Labs.(E.H., Transforme...
1944 : SLR-M Scott SLRM low radiation morale receiver for the Merchant Marine (A Navy va... |
USA: Sears, Roebuck & Co.; Chicago (IL)
1946/47 : Silvertone 6230A Ch= 101.802-1 Sears Silvertone 6230A "farm" set (battery operated) |
USA: Seco Manufacturing Co.; Minneapoli...
1957 ?: VT Grid Circuit Tester GCT-8 Seco GCT-8 grid emission and shorts tester |
USA: Seco Manufacturing Co.; Minneapoli...
1965 ??: In Circuit Current Checker HC6 Two SECO HC-6 models with different styles of meter. The socket with plug o... |
USA: Senco; Addison and Chicago (IL)
1956 : FC-4 Tube Filament Checker Senco FC-4 filament checker. A clever little circuit which shorts out the n... |
USA: Sencore; Sioux Falls (SD)
1956 : Transistor Crystal Diode Checker TDC22 Sencore TDC22 back with operating instructions |
USA: Sencore; Sioux Falls (SD)
1959 : Transi-Pak power supply PS-103 Sencore Transi-Pak PS-103 |
USA: Sencore; Sioux Falls (SD)
1959 ?: Harmonic Generator HG 104 Sencore Harmonic Generator Model HG-104 |
USA: Sencore; Sioux Falls (SD)
1961 ?: Tube Tester Modernizing Panel TM 116 Sencore TM-116 "Modernizing Panel" -- The four selector switches on the TM-... |
USA: Sencore; Sioux Falls (SD)
1975 ??: Capacitor-Inductor Analyzer LC-75 Sencore LC-75 capacitor-inductor analyzer |
USA: Service Instruments, Inc.; New York
1938 : Rider Chanalyst 11A (50-60Hz) Rider Chanalyst model 11 version A working on four channels at the same tim... |
USA: Shallcross; Collingdale
1935 : Four dial decade resistance box 825 Shallcross 825 Decade Resistance Box |
USA: Shallcross; Collingdale
1946 ?: Milliohmmeter 670-A Shallcross 670A Milliohmmeter |
USA: Shure; Chicago, Evanston, Niles (IL)
1951 ??: Unidyne Multi-Impedance 55 Shure Unidyne 55 Multi-Impedance mike |
USA: Siltronix; Oceanside (CA)
1976 : Comanche 1011D Siltronix 1011D Comanche ready for more 11 meter listening and 10 meter tra... |
USA: Simpson Electric Co.; Chicago, IL ...
1939–51 : Volt-Ohm-Milliammeter (High Sensitivity Set Tester) 260 (260RT) Simpson model 260, the original 1939-40 design (no series designator) |
USA: Simpson Electric Co.; Chicago, IL ...
1940 : DC Microammeter 284 Simpson model 284 DC Microammeter |
USA: Simpson Electric Co.; Chicago, IL ...
1957 : Low-Ohmmeter 362 Simpson 362 Low Range Ohmmeter |
USA: Simpson Electric Co.; Chicago, IL ...
1964 ??: Volt-Ohm-Microammeter 269 Series 2 (269-2) Simpson 269 100K-ohm per volt low-profile VOM (7.5 inches wide) |
USA: Simpson Electric Co.; Chicago, IL ...
1968 ?: Volt-Ohm-Milliammeter 313 Simpson 313 solid state FET-VOM.JPG |
USA: Simpson Electric Co.; Chicago, IL ...
1973 ?: Volt-Ohm-Milliammeter 260 Series 6 Simpson 260 Series 6 Volt-Ohm-Milliammeter |
USA: Simpson Electric Co.; Chicago, IL ...
1981 : Volt-Ohm-Milliammeter 260 Series 7M Simpson 260 series 7M |
USA: Sonora Radio & Telev. Corp.; Chica...
1956 : 604 Sonora GTU 604 two band (BC-SW) 3 way portable receiver (rmorg) |
USA: Sprayberry Academy of Radio; Chica...
1958 ??: VOM Sprayberry Academy of Radio VOM |
USA: Staco Energy Products Co.; Dayton,...
1946 ??: Adjust-A-Volt Variable Autotransformer 500B Adjust-A-Volt Type 500B with added 3 prong adapter for output connection. |
USA: Staco Energy Products Co.; Dayton,...
1950 ??: Adjust-A-Volt Variable Transformer LR-5 Staco Adjust-A-Volt Variable Isolation transformer model LR-5 |
USA: Staco Energy Products Co.; Dayton,...
1965 ??: Variable Autotransformer 3PN171 Staco Variable 1.75 A Autotransformer 3PN171 |
USA: Stromberg-Carlson Co. ; Rochester ...
1937 : 240-M Ch= P-27244 Stromberg-Carlson 240M making music again |
USA: Stromberg-Carlson Co. ; Rochester ...
1944 ?: RBS-2 Radio Receiver CCT-46217-A RBS-2 receiver. Four of the knobs are substitutes. |
USA: Stromberg-Carlson Co. ; Rochester ...
1948 : 1200 Stromberg-Carlson "Dynatomic" model 1200 from 1948. Similar models with nea... |
USA: Stromberg-Carlson Co. ; Rochester ...
1960 ?: AM/FM Tuner SR-445 Stromberg-Carlson SR-445 tuner (from inside SP-965 console) |
USA: Stromberg-Carlson Co. ; Rochester ...
1960 ?: High Fidelity Stereophonic Center Stereo 60 ASR-444 Stromberg-Carlson ASR-444 amp from inside SP-965 console |
USA: Stromberg-Carlson Co. ; Rochester ...
1961 ?: Italian Provincial Stereo Radio-Phonograph SP-965 Stromberg-Carlson console SP-965 closed top |
USA: Superior Electric Co, The; Bristol...
1955 ??: Powerstat Variable Autotransformer 10B Powerstat 10B bottom view |
USA: Superior Electric Co, The; Bristol...
1960 ??: Isolation Transformer P-6125 SEI P-6125 Isolation transformer rated at 1 KVA (same as Stancor P-6125). ... |
USA: Superior Electric Co, The; Bristol...
1975 ??: Powerstat Variable Autotransformer (Variac) 136B Superior Electric Powerstat 136B variable auto-transformer rated at 22 ampe... |
USA: Supreme Instruments Corp.; Greenwo...
1938 : Signal Generator 570 Supreme Model 570 Signal Generator deluxe series |
USA: Supreme Instruments Corp.; Greenwo...
1940 : Audolyzer 562 Supreme Audolyzer 562 |
USA: Swan Electronics, Oceanside, CA
1961 ?: Single Sideband Transceiver SW-175 Swan 175 transceiver for 75 meter amateur SSB |
USA: Tektronix; Portland, OR
1983–93 : Oscilloscope 2445 Tektronix model 2445 oscilloscope |
USA: Triplett Electrical Instrument Co....
1941 : Professional All Wave Radio Servicer (NRI Servicer) 1175-B Triplett Professional All Wave Tester model 1175B |
Click numbers for additional pages of Rich
Post's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member Rich Post opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 16.May.2021.
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