Robert Anders, United States of America (USA) - Radio collection

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ID = 3544
Photo Robert Anders

Below you find a part of the radio collection Robert Anders - including other related items.

Antique European Radio's/ Tuners/ Transmitters. Especially enjoy German vintage RF Receivers/Xmtrs. Favorite radio manufacture's are Nordmende and Siemens. I have a passion for electronics and enjoy using vintage test equipment such as Hickok,Sprague and military testers in diagnostics of equipment, frequency drive systems (AC, DC dive systems) Florida educator license: 1992, vocational: electrical, electronics to board level. Complex systems diagnostics and upgrade applications. Four favorite books I've enjoyed: 1. Le Grand Livre de la TSF author: Jean-Michel Bourgue 2. Antique Radio Restoration Guide author: David Johnson 3. A Flick of the Switch 1930-1950 author: Morgan McMahon 4. Quantem Theory and Physics Before & After author: Steven Hawkins
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Part of the radio collection of Robert Anders. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Robert Anders but this is not necessarily all of Robert Anders's collection.

USA:  Philco, Philadelphia Stg. Batt. Co...
1970–80 ??: Philco Ford Stereo Hi Fidelity
AM/FM Phono

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Our member Robert Anders opened his/her collection of radios and other related items on 22.Jun.2005.


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