Robert Uselton, United States of America (USA) - Radio collection

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ID = 33533
Photo Robert Uselton

Below you find a part of the radio collection Robert Uselton - including other related items.

A friend of mine has bequeathed seven tube-type radios to me. I am learning how to repair them, as a hobby. (He is helping me when I get stuck.)
Result: 1 to 11 from 11
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Part of the radio collection of Robert Uselton. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Robert Uselton but this is not necessarily all of Robert Uselton's collection.

USA:  Sears, Roebuck & Co.; Chicago (IL)
1940 : Silvertone 6437A
Ch= 101.576-1

Console radio restored to working condition.
USA:  Trav-Ler Karenola Radio & Televisi...
1946 : 5010
Ch= 105

Trav-Ler 5010 BC/SW Radio, 1946, after cabinet restoration.
USA:  Zenith Radio Corp.; Chicago, IL
1936 : 4T26
Ch= 5403 late

Zenith 4-T-26, Chassis 5403(late)
USA:  Crosley Radio Corp.; Cincinnati (OH)
1936 : 644
Ch= 5666

Photo taken after restoring cabinet.
USA:  Zenith Radio Corp.; Chicago, IL
1950 : G725
Ch= 7G01

Purchased on eBay. Everything is there. It is in mostly original state.
USA:  Western Auto Supply Co. (Truetone)...
1943 ?: Truetone

The appearance of the radio is original except for the buttons. These were...
D:  Emud, Ernst Mästling; Ulm
1957/58 : 

EMUD T7 shown with rebuilt cabinet.
USA:  Federal Radio Corp. / Federal Tele...
1925 : A10 Orthosonic
Federal A-10 Orthosonic restored to working condition. Using battery elimi...
USA:  Philco, Philadelphia Stg. Batt. Co...
1938/39 : 39-70B
Upper veneer sheet was replaced due to damage. Restained and finished.
USA:  Philco, Philadelphia Stg. Batt. Co...
1949 : 49-906
Recent eBay purchase: Philco 49-906-121 AM/FM receiver.
USA:  Bell Sound Systems; Columbus (OH)
1955 ?: 2254
Bell Sound Systems Model 2254 FM Tuner.
Result: 1 to 11 from 11

Click numbers for additional pages of Robert Uselton's collection of radios and other collectibles if any.

Our member Robert Uselton opened his/her collection of radios and other related items on 08.Jun.2023.


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