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Ron Kendall, Great Britain (UK) - Radio collection

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ID = 11000
Photo Ron Kendall

Below you find a part of the radio collection Ron Kendall - including other related items.

I started collecting old radio's about 6 months ago when I purchased a Bush TR82C from a market stall and I wanted to display it in my 1963 Triumph Herald, I then started to look for a 1930s radio to display in my 1937 Ford Model Y. But to date I have not found a 1930s radio but I have purchased a Philips L2X10T/15L, Philips L3G23T, Dansette Gem, GEC Seven Transistor, Pye Q6 Mk1, Bush TR82D and a Roberts Rambler Mk2. All the above radio's are now in a restored condition except for the Bush TR82D of which I will have to send to a specialist repairer as I do not know anything about how radio's work, I only know how to clean switches and re-solder dry joints and little things of that nature. I have already sent you pictures of 2 radio's, the 1st being a Philips L2X10T/15L of which was not on your data base at all, so I'm glad I could add it to your data and I sent pictures of a Pye Q6 Mk1 (1960) of which was on your data base but you had no pictures of it and I also clarified the dimensions of it as it would appear to be a bit smaller than the Mk2. I will also keep on sending infirmation regarding other radio's if I aquire one that you don't have data or pictures of it. Best wishes, Ron.
Result: 1 to 15 from 15
Sort order:  [ Country / Maker/Brand | Year | Model name | Model number ]

Part of the radio collection of Ron Kendall. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Ron Kendall but this is not necessarily all of Ron Kendall's collection.

GB:  Thorn Electrical Industries Ltd.; ...
1977 ??: Ferguson

GB:  Marconi Co. (Marconiphone, Marconi...
1967 ?: 

This is my picture that I am uploading of the Marconiphone radio model numb...
GB:  Ever Ready Co. (GB) Ltd.; London
1980–82 ?: Skyleader

GB:  Bush Radio Ltd.; london
1969 ?: Nightingale Clock Radio
CR-128 (Japan 712)

PRC:  A 规定 provisional - we have to find...
1980–90 ??: Grosvenor
Curcuit number 9801B2

NL:  Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1961 : 
L2X10T /15L

NL:  Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1961 : 
L2X10T /15R

GB:  Roberts Radio Co.Ltd., East Molese...
1995–11 : Revival

This is my own picture from my radio collection and is o/k to publish.
GB:  Roberts Radio Co.Ltd., East Molese...
1974–79 : 

GB:  Roberts Radio Co.Ltd., East Molese...
1974/75 : 

Please find attached a picture of my Roberts Radio model name R606. As you ...
D:  Grundig (Radio-Vertrieb, RVF, Radi...
1970–72 : 
RF111 GB Ch= CS111 GB

Grundig RF-111-GB
GB:  Hacker Radio Ltd., Maidenhead
1962/63 : Mini-Herald

GB:  Hacker Radio Ltd., Maidenhead
1966/67 : Herald

Hacker Herald RP35 with black knobs
GB:  Philco Radio & Television Corp. of...
1970 : 

USA:  Westclox (General Time Corp.); La ...
1985 ??: X-clox
Result: 1 to 15 from 15

Click numbers for additional pages of Ron Kendall's collection of radios and other collectibles if any.

Our member Ron Kendall opened his/her collection of radios and other related items on 09.Mar.2010.


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