Below you find a part of the radio collection Sándor Selyem-Tóth - including other related items. Radios (Euroepan & hungarian), instruments, books, magazins, old papers, tubes, HiFi, ect. About the Nature of the Collection and about the Collector: Website: --------------------- Facebook: and and My favorite site is where you can find videos from the past of the Hungarian electronics industry. Also in the field of radio and television instrument production. -------------------------------------- |
Part of the radio collection of Sándor Selyem-Tóth. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Sándor Selyem-Tóth but this is not necessarily all of Sándor Selyem-Tóth's collection.
ZZ: Memorabilia - Erinnerungsstücke
1800–99 : Grammophon, Gramophone, Grammofono, Gramófono Nadel-Dosen, Needles Boxes, Boîtes d'aiguilles, Cajas de agujas Supraphone |
EU: Unknown Europe
1900 ??: Polwechsler Telegraphie-Zubehoer (Telegraphy accessory switch) |
H: Magyar Telefonhirmondó; Budapest
1900–25 ??: Fejhallgató - Headphone early version |
EU: Unknown Europe
1900–35 : NF-Transformatoren |
D: NSF, Nürnberger Schraubenf. & Faço...
1900–40 : Kondensator fest - Festkondensatoren alle Arten (kein Elko) |
EU: Unknown Europe
1900–50 ??: Aufsteck-Detektor - keine Geräte! EKA, Norris detektor in ~ 1932. Thanks for technical assistance Első Zalai... |
EU: Unknown Europe
1900–60 : Ganz alte Werkzeuge und Material in der Radiowerkstatt vor 1960 Alte Abisolierzange, ca 1940-1950? |
ZZ: Memorabilia - Erinnerungsstücke
1900–99 : Coins - Münzen - Monete 100 years of Telefongyár, medal, a bronze from 1876 to 1976. |
ZZ: Memorabilia - Erinnerungsstücke
1900–99 : Keramiken - Ceramics Orion cigarette set, in. ca. 1973. |
ZZ: Memorabilia - Erinnerungsstücke
1900–99 : Konzessionen - Authorizations Philips zahlen in 1930. Thanks for technical assistance Első Zalai Rádióm... |
ZZ: Logos
1900–99 : Logos A (Symbol, Signet - see there) Firmenzeichen Astra Rádió Budapest, ca. 1930. |
ZZ: Logos
1900–99 : Logos B Logo (Symbol, Signet - see there) |
ZZ: Logos
1900–99 : Logos C Logo (Symbol, Signet - see there) Csillár logo in 1961-62. Thanks for Mr. Rosta György, Hungary. |
ZZ: Logos
1900–99 : Logos D Logo (Symbol, Signet - see there) |
ZZ: Logos
1900–99 : Logos E Logo (Symbol, Signet - see there) Thanks for technical assistance Első Zalai Rádiómúzeum Alapítvány ( radio-... |
ZZ: Logos
1900–99 : Logos F Logo (Symbol, Signet - see there) |
ZZ: Logos
1900–99 : Logos G Logo (Symbol, Signet - see there) |
ZZ: Logos
1900–99 : Logos H Logo (Symbol, Signet - see there) Hajós és Szántó Elektromosgyár Rt. (HAESZ); Budapest |
ZZ: Logos
1900–99 : Logos I and J Logo (Symbol, Signet - see there) Iskolai Taneszközök Gyára (Calderoni,ITG; Budapest, logo in~ 1954. |
ZZ: Logos
1900–99 : Logos K Logo (Symbol, Signet - see there) Elprom logo in ~1967. |
ZZ: Logos
1900–99 : Logos L Logo (Symbol, Signet - see there) Logo in 1977, Lvov Telegraph Devices Works. |
ZZ: Logos
1900–99 : Logos M Logo (Symbol, Signet - see there) Mechanikai Laboratórium, Budapest ca. 1968. |
ZZ: Logos
1900–99 : Logos N Logo (Symbol, Signet - see there) National (Toy) Company, Inc.; Malden USA, original logo in 1952-1964. |
ZZ: Logos
1900–99 : Logos O or Q Logo (Symbol, Signet - see there) Omega Radio, Budapest, ca.1945. |
ZZ: Logos
1900–99 : Logos - other (andere) Logo,Symbol, Simbols,Signet Signets Firmenzeichen Zenith Radio Corp., Chicago, Illinois (USA) , 1957. Logo from Zenith Roy... |
ZZ: Logos
1900–99 : Logos P Logo (Symbol, Signet - see there) Philips Rádió Budapest, 1937. |
ZZ: Logos
1900–99 : Logos R Logo (Symbol, Signet - see there) Original Catalog 1968. |
ZZ: Logos
1900–99 : Logos S Logo (Symbol, Signet - see there) Logo in 1974. |
ZZ: Logos
1900–99 : Logos T Logo (Symbol, Signet - see there) Thanks for technical assistance Első Zalai Rádiómúzeum Alapítvány ( radio-... |
ZZ: Logos
1900–99 : Logos U Logo (Symbol, Signet - see there) Sarapoul Orjonikidze Radio Works (SU) Logo in 1969 ( http://www.radiom... |
ZZ: Logos
1900–99 : Logos - UNKNOWN (unbekannt) Logo Logo (Symbol, Signet - see there) Unknown logo ZRN. |
ZZ: Logos
1900–99 : Logos V or W Logo (Symbol, Signet - see there) Thanks for technical assistance Első Zalai Rádiómúzeum Alapítvány ( radio-... |
ZZ: Logos
1900–99 : Logos X or Y Logo (Symbol, Signet - see there) |
ZZ: Logos
1900–99 : Logos Z Logo (Symbol, Signet - see there) Thanks for Első Zalai Rádiómúzeum Alapítvány, First Zala County Radio Museu... |
ZZ: Memorabilia - Erinnerungsstücke
1900–99 : Photos - Fotos Tungsram We 3B radio , made in 1924-26. |
ZZ: Memorabilia - Erinnerungsstücke
1900–99 : Photos - Fotos 2 Radio in ~1965. Göcseji Múzeum Zalaegerszeg, New Exhibition. Thanks for ... |
ZZ: Memorabilia - Erinnerungsstücke
1900–99 : Postcards - Postkarten The boy scouts,1926. Pfadfinder in 1926. |
ZZ: Memorabilia - Erinnerungsstücke
1900–99 : Radio-Manufacturing - Produktion Henry Ford and dr.A.F. Philips in 1930, Eindhoven. Thanks for technical a... |
ZZ: Memorabilia - Erinnerungsstücke
1900–99 : Radio related Pins |
ZZ: Memorabilia - Erinnerungsstücke
1900–99 : Radios on Matchboxes Thanks for technical assistance Első Zalai Rádiómúzeum Alapítvány ( radio-... |
ZZ: Memorabilia - Erinnerungsstücke
1900–99 : Telephone cards Radio motifs Thanks for technical assistance Első Zalai Rádiómúzeum Alapítvány ( radio-... |
ZZ: Memorabilia - Erinnerungsstücke
1900–99 : Werbegeschenke - Freebies Cigarette ashtray in ~1975. Thanks for technical assistance Első Zalai Rá... |
ZZ: Memorabilia - Erinnerungsstücke
1900–99 : Werbetafeln, Reklameschilder Projected cinema advertising slides, 1942-1943. Thanks for Első Zalai R... |
ZZ: Stamps - Briefmarken - Francobolli
1900–10 : Stamps - Briefmarken Hungary Thanks for Első Zalai Rádiómúzeum Alapítvány (, First Zal... |
F: Pathé Radio, Pathé Frères (Pathéph...
1910 ??: Phonographe PA Mariage! Thanks for technical assistance Első Zalai Rádiómúzeum Alapítvány ( radio-... |
H: Tungsram; Budapest (see also Briti...
1910 ??: Távíró Tájoló / Távíró Bussola (Compass Galvanometer) Thanks for technical assistance Első Zalai Rádiómúzeum Alapítvány ( radio-... |
D: Edelmann; München
1910 ??: Widerstandsdekade Thanks for Mr.Zozo300, Hungary, Pápa and Első Zalai Rádiómúzeum Alapítvány,... |
D: Telefunken Deutschland (TFK), (Ges...
1914–40 : Kondensator fest - Dubilier, Glimmer, Papier (kein Elko) |
USA: Weston Electrical Instrument Co.; ...
1918 ?: Milliammeter 269 STS Archív. |
USA: RCA (RCA Victor Co. Inc.); New Yor...
1922 : Westinghouse Aeriola Sr (RF) wooden panel Thanks for Mr. András Pintér, Hungary, Budapest and Első Zalai Rádiómúzeum... |
Click numbers for additional pages of Sándor
Selyem-Tóth's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member Sándor Selyem-Tóth opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 28.Oct.2007.
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