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Sean Williams, Great Britain (UK) - Radio collection

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ID = 14745
Photo Sean Williams

Below you find a part of the radio collection Sean Williams - including other related items.

I enjoy collecting, and restoring or repairing Military Radios from WW2 to the Cold War - I enjoy Warsaw Pact equipment. Also enjoy home construction of valve based equipment.
Result: 1 to 5 from 5
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Part of the radio collection of Sean Williams. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Sean Williams but this is not necessarily all of Sean Williams's collection.

D:  Elektro-Apparatebau H. Geiling (EA...
1952 : Flachbahnregler (Pegelsteller, Fader Module)

EAB W66c fader
D:  Maihak AG, H.; Hamburg - Winterhude
1954 : Flachbahnregler (Pegelsteller, Fader Module)

Maihak W66c alternative fascia version.
D:  Technisch Physikalisches Laborator...
1974 ??: Wow And Flutter Meter
ME 102 C

Woelke ME102 rear view with the two 5-pin DIN dummy/shorting plugs removed.
GB:  EMI; Hayes, Middlesex
1950 ?: Portable Tape Recorder

Top view with tape showing unusual tape path - take-up reel winds tape oxid...
GB:  Solartron Laboratory Instruments L...
1963 ??: Dual Beam Oscilloscope
CD 1014.3

This is a Solartron CD1014.2 which is awaiting restoration. One resistor ha...
Result: 1 to 5 from 5

Click numbers for additional pages of Sean Williams's collection of radios and other collectibles if any.

Our member Sean Williams opened his/her collection of radios and other related items on 19.Dec.2011.


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