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Below you find a part of the radio collection Sergey Kashekhlebov - including other related items. I live in Moscow, Russia and Kucuk Erenkoy, Northern Cyprus. May be I'm onest radio collector in this side of island :-). My interests - pre-WW2 tube radio, mostly non-superheterodine. |
Part of the radio collection of Sergey Kashekhlebov. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Sergey Kashekhlebov but this is not necessarily all of Sergey Kashekhlebov's collection.
SU: Petropavlovsk Radio Works
1954–62 : TPS-54 {ТПС-54} |
SU: Radiofront Plant, Moscow
1951–57 ?: Komsomol {Комсомолец} (детекторный радиоприёмник) |
SU: Riazan Radio Works (Post Box P-60...
1960 : VRP-60 {ВРП-60} |
SU: Sarapoul Orjonikidze Radio Works
1950/51 : Ural {Урал} 50 |
SU: Sarapoul Orjonikidze Radio Works
1951 : Luč {Луч} tubes |
SU: Sarapoul Orjonikidze Radio Works
1951–57 ?: Kama {Кама} Radiogramophone 4 tubes |
SU: Voronezh Elektrosignal Radio Works
1938–41 : 6N-1 {6Н-1} |
SU: Voronezh Elektrosignal Radio Works
1952 : Rodina {Родина} 52 |
SU: Voronezh Elektrosignal Radio Works
1955 : Strela {Стрела} |
SU: Voronezh POLIUS Radio Works
1955 : Dorožnyj {Дорожный} |
SU: Voronezh POLIUS Radio Works
1956 : Nov' {Новь} |
USA: Air King Products Co.; Brooklyn (NY)
1930 ?: Shortwave Adapter, Perfect UX Socket DC model |
USA: Crosley Radio Corp.; Cincinnati (OH)
1924 : regular 51 . |
USA: Crosley Radio Corp.; Cincinnati (OH)
1924 : 50 |
USA: Crosley Radio Corp.; Cincinnati (OH)
1925 : Pup "Sky Terrier" early |
USA: Dresner Radio Mfg Corp.; New York ...
1929 : Shielded Short Wave Converter |
USA: Freed-Eisemann Radio Corp.; New Yo...
1925 : FE15 |
USA: National Company; Cambridge & Mal...
1936–40 ?: SW-3 Model II var 1 |
USA: National Airphone Corp.; New York ...
1924 : Monodyne GT1 new |
USA: RCA (RCA Victor Co. Inc.); New Yor...
1921 : Westinghouse RC ch= RA+DA |
USA: RCA (RCA Victor Co. Inc.); New Yor...
1924 : Radiola III (3) AR-805 Type RI (ri) |
USA: RCA (RCA Victor Co. Inc.); New Yor...
1935 : T6-1 |
USA: Zenith Radio Corp.; Chicago, IL
1962–68 : Trans-Oceanic Royal 1000-1 Ch= 9HT40Z8 & 9HT40Z2 |
Click numbers for additional pages of Sergey
Kashekhlebov's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member Sergey Kashekhlebov opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 24.Feb.2012.
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