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Below you find a part of the radio collection Serioja Tatu - including other related items. Bienvenue à ma page de collectionneur. Nous devons être émerveillés devant ce prodige de l'esprit humain qui a permis de concevoir et de réaliser ce que personne au début du siècle dernier ne pouvait ni même pas envisager. Voilà une partie de mes radios, à partir des années 1920 jusqu’à aujourd’hui: RCA Victor M45A, Normende Loewe Opta, Bush, Philco 41-221, Zenith 6S632, Grundig model 88U, Silvertone 1908, Escaphone, Cora, ACE type V, ...et plusieurs autres. |
Part of the radio collection of Serioja Tatu. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Serioja Tatu but this is not necessarily all of Serioja Tatu's collection.
RO: Electronica; București - Bucharest
1973 ?: Cora 7TR |
RP: Unknown - CUSTOM BUILT: Philippines
1986 ?: LaPhone Telephone with Digital Clock Radio CP3000 |
SU: Dnepropetrovsk Radio Works {Днепро...
1979 ?: Maâk {Маяк} 2 |
SU: Dnepropetrovsk Radio Works {Днепро...
1979–88 : Интеграл Integral |
SU: Minsk Radio Works; Minsk
1974 : Okean {Океан} 205 Etat d'origine, butons remplaces |
SU: Zaporozh semiconductors devices fa...
1984 ??: Электрон М Electron M newest |
SU: Zaporozh semiconductors devices fa...
1985 ?: Нейтрон Neutron |
TW: Unknown - CUSTOM BUILT: Taiwan (RC)
1970 ??: Play Mate |
USA: AITC (International Transistor Cor...
1963 ??: P2108 |
USA: Apex Electric, Pool; Chicago; US R...
1931 : Apex 8-A |
USA: Atwater Kent Mfg. Co.; Philadelphi...
1924 : 4640 Model 20 big box |
USA: Atwater Kent Mfg. Co.; Philadelphi...
1924 : 4700 Model 10C |
USA: Atwater Kent Mfg. Co.; Philadelphi...
1925 : 7570 Model 20C, 20 Compact UV-sockets |
USA: Atwater Kent Mfg. Co.; Philadelphi...
1926 : 8000 Model 30 late, two rheostats |
USA: Atwater Kent Mfg. Co.; Philadelphi...
1926 : 8100 Model 35 Table model |
USA: Atwater Kent Mfg. Co.; Philadelphi...
1928 : 9800 Model 40 (A.C.) |
USA: Barawik Co.; Chicago, IL
1920 ??: Double Slide Tuning Coil |
USA: Barawik Co.; Chicago, IL
1920 ??: Single Slide Tuning Coil |
USA: Bunnell & Co., J.H.; Kings Park, NY
1919 : Jove Receiving Transformer List No. 8834 |
USA: Channel Master Corp.; USA
1965 ??: 6214 |
USA: Cobra Electronics Corporation; Chi...
1998 ?: HH34 |
USA: Cobra Electronics Corporation; Chi...
2013 ?: HH-35 |
USA: Cobra Electronics Corporation; Chi...
2022 ?: RX680 |
USA: Conar Instruments; Washington (DC)
1961 ??: Signal Tracer 230 |
USA: Crosley Radio Corp.; Cincinnati (OH)
1923 : Ace V (5) |
USA: Crosley Radio Corp.; Cincinnati (OH)
1923 : Ace 3B |
USA: Crosley Radio Corp.; Cincinnati (OH)
1923 : XJ (X-J) |
USA: Crosley Radio Corp.; Cincinnati (OH)
1935 : 515 Fiver |
USA: Crosley Radio (Retro Electronics);...
2005 ?: Crosley CR31 (reproduction) |
USA: Eagle Radio Co.; Newark, New Jersey
1924/25 : B Balanced Neutrodyne |
USA: Etón Corp, Lextronix Inc (Grundig)...
2010 ?: Grundig Field Radio S450DLX |
USA: Etón Corp, Lextronix Inc (Grundig)...
2010 ??: Voicelink FR1000 |
USA: Fada Radio & Electric Co.; Long Is...
1924 : Neutrodyne Receiver 169A Hazeltine kit 5 tube (Rear Mounted binding posts) Netrodyne radio with an external speaker and headphones |
USA: Fox Marketing, Inc.; Dayton, OH
1990 ??: CB800 Mobile CB Phone AF-145 |
USA: Freed-Eisemann Radio Corp.; New Yo...
1923/24 : NR-5 |
USA: Freed-Eisemann Radio Corp.; New Yo...
1925 : FE15 |
USA: General Electric Co. (GE); Bridgep...
1949/50 : 226 |
USA: General Electric Co. (GE); Bridgep...
1975 ?: Two Way 7-2877F |
USA: General Electric Co. (GE); Bridgep...
1978 ?: Citizen Band Transceiver 3-5804D |
USA: General Electric Co. (GE); Bridgep...
1980 ??: Citizen Band Transceiver 3-5900A |
USA: General Electric Co. (GE); Bridgep...
2006 ?: Spacemaker 7-5350 |
USA: Grace Digital; Poway, CA
2010 ?: GDI-IR2500 |
USA: Guild Radio & Television Co.; Ingl...
1955 : Country Belle 556 |
USA: Hallicrafters, The; Chicago, IL an...
1950–55 : S-40B |
USA: Hallicrafters, The; Chicago, IL an...
1967 : CB-181 |
USA: Hallicrafters, The; Chicago, IL an...
1970–73 : Star Quest II S-125 |
USA: Hammarlund Mfg. Co. Inc.; New York...
1956–58 : HQ-100 |
USA: Howard Radio Company; Chicago, IL
1937/38 : 240-2 |
USA: Innovative Technology; Port Washin...
2012 ?: Aviator 5-in-1 Wooden Music Center ITVS-750 |
USA: Kennedy Co., Colin B.; San Francis...
1923 : V(5) |
Click numbers for additional pages of Serioja
Tatu's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member Serioja Tatu opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 06.Oct.2019.
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