Antique radios, Old Time Radios
Siegfried Bauer, Austria - Radio collection
Below you find a part of the radio collection
Siegfried Bauer - including other related items.
Röhren und Transistorgeräte (Radios, Tuner,
Receiver, Verstärker)der 60er und 70er Jahre.
Saba Wildbad 125, Nordmende Othello, Hornyphon
Diplomat, Philips B5X44A,
Grundig RT50, RT40, RTV700, Stereomeister 3000
Trio AFX3 Röhrentuner, Pioneer SX800A
Marantz 2238 B Transistor-Receiver
No radios found with images from this collection.
Click numbers for additional pages of Siegfried
Bauer's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
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