Below you find a part of the radio collection Siegfried Droese - including other related items. Funksprechgeräte |
Part of the radio collection of Siegfried Droese. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Siegfried Droese but this is not necessarily all of Siegfried Droese's collection.
DK: SP Radio (S.P.), Sailor Marineradi...
1970 ??: Sailor Einseitenband-Sender 7180 |
DK: SP Radio (S.P.), Sailor Marineradi...
1971 ?: UKW-Funktelefon Sailor SE 770 / DEBEG 7600 |
DK: SP Radio (S.P.), Sailor Marineradi...
1973 ??: SSB-Transmitter Sailor T126 |
DK: SP Radio (S.P.), Sailor Marineradi...
1974 : VHF Radiotelephone UKW-Funktelefon Sailor RT144 DEBEG 7609 |
DK: SP Radio (S.P.), Sailor Marineradi...
1975 ??: Sailor 56 T |
DK: SP Radio (S.P.), Sailor Marineradi...
1975 ??: SSB-Transmitter Sailor T124 |
DK: SP Radio (S.P.), Sailor Marineradi...
1987 : VHF Radiotelephon Sailor RT2048 |
DK: SP Radio (S.P.), Sailor Marineradi...
1990 ??: 2182 kHz Watchkeeping Receiver Sailor R501 |
DK: Storno A/S; Copenhagen
1963 : Stornophone 500 Siemens W3 |
DK: Storno A/S; Copenhagen
1970 ??: Stornophone 5000 CQM5112, CQM5113, CQM5114 |
DK: Storno A/S; Copenhagen
1972–76 : Stornophone 700 Radiotelephone CQM710a, CQM713a, CQM714a |
DK: Storno A/S; Copenhagen
1973 : Handfunkgerät Stornophone CQP 813 |
DK: Storno A/S; Copenhagen
1973 ?: Handfunkgerät Stornophone 800 |
DK: Storno A/S; Copenhagen
1988 : Handfunkgerät Stornophone 8000 |
DK: Tesam Electric; København - Copenh...
1967 ?: Varslingsmodtager (Warnempfänger) HSGT M-4/FRM-2 |
DK: Unknown - CUSTOM BUILT: Denmark
1951 ?: Frequenzmesser Frkvm.M |
DK: Unknown - CUSTOM BUILT: Denmark
1953 ??: Seefunksender 3-Tx-1 |
DK: Unknown - CUSTOM BUILT: Denmark
1959 : Autofon - Radiotelefon A.P. 569 SEB |
E: CRAME (C.R.A.M.E.), Compañia Radio...
1962 ??: Receptor Maritimo Standard |
EU: Unknown Europe
1985 ??: PRC-6/E |
EU: Unknown Europe
1986 ??: CB-Transceiver Breaker 40FM |
F: Alcatel (-Alsthom, -Lucent); Paris
1987 : Radiotelephone ATR 680 |
F: LGT, Laboratoire Générale de Telec...
1959 : Émetteur-Récepteur BC611-F (military) |
F: MILITARY France, production milita...
1954 ??: Émitteur-Récepteur / KW-Funkgerät ERT282 |
F: MILITARY France, production milita...
1955 ??: Alimentation Vibreur - Vibrator Power Supply A.A.3 (pour AN/VRC-3) |
F: MILITARY France, production milita...
1966 : Emetteur-Recepteur TR-PP-11 |
F: MILITARY France, production milita...
1966 ??: Emetteur-Recepteur ER-38-A T001-22 |
F: MILITARY France, production milita...
1970 ??: Spannungswandler BA-491A |
F: Saram, Omera, Bronzavia; Asnières ...
1952 ??: VHF Flugfunkgerät 5-52 |
GB: Avionic Systems (Heathrow) Limited...
1973 ?: VHF Transmitter/Receiver ASH 360 |
GB: BEC; (where?)
1964 ??: Two Way VHF Car Radio unknown |
GB: Burndept Ltd. London
1980 ??: SARBE Transistor Beacon BE 301 |
GB: Ekco, E.K.Cole Ltd.; Southend-on-Sea
1947 : Wireless Set WS 88 Type B (WS88B) |
GB: Ekco, E.K.Cole Ltd.; Southend-on-Sea
1950 : Power Supply & L.F. Amplifier Units No. 2 Z.A.35737 |
GB: Electronic Laboratories (Seafarer)...
1990 ??: Marine VHF Transceiver Seavoice RT 550 |
GB: Ever Ready Co. (GB) Ltd.; London
1956 : Sky Baby Valve |
GB: Kelvin Hughes; Enfield
1990 ??: Husun 65 |
GB: MILITARY U.K. (different makers fo...
1940 ?: Reception Set R. 107 Frontplatte neu lackiert. Gerät ist etwas verbastelt. |
GB: MILITARY U.K. (different makers fo...
1942 : Wireless Set No.19 Mk II (Mk 2) |
GB: MILITARY U.K. (different makers fo...
1942 : Wireless Set No.46 |
GB: MILITARY U.K. (different makers fo...
1944 : Cases Spare Valve No. 2 T ZA 28479 |
GB: MILITARY U.K. (different makers fo...
1944 ?: Wireless Set No. 38 AFV |
GB: MILITARY U.K. (different makers fo...
1944 ??: Field Telephone Patt 13152 |
GB: MILITARY U.K. (different makers fo...
1945 : Wireless Set No. 38 Mk III |
GB: MILITARY U.K. (different makers fo...
1945 : Wireless Set No.62 Gerät etwas verbastelt |
GB: MILITARY U.K. (different makers fo...
1950 : Wireless Set No. 88 AFV (WS88AFV) |
GB: MILITARY U.K. (different makers fo...
1951 : Cases Spare Valves No.16MKII ZA42589 |
GB: MILITARY U.K. (different makers fo...
1954 : Amplifier R.F. No.2 Mk.3 ZA 38976 |
GB: MILITARY U.K. (different makers fo...
1955 ?: Wireless Set A510 |
GB: MILITARY U.K. (different makers fo...
1958 : Wireless Set A40 |
Click numbers for additional pages of Siegfried
Droese's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member Siegfried Droese opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 17.Aug.2009.
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