Below you find a part of the radio collection Siegfried Droese - including other related items. Funksprechgeräte |
Part of the radio collection of Siegfried Droese. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Siegfried Droese but this is not necessarily all of Siegfried Droese's collection.
GB: Murphy Radio Ltd.; Welwyn Garden C...
1955 ??: W.S. A.41 |
GB: Navico UK Ltd; Romsey
1990 ??: Axis GMDSS Handheld Radio 30 |
GB: Navico UK Ltd; Romsey
1992 ??: VHF Marine Radiotelephone RT6500R |
GB: Philips Electrical, Lamps, Industr...
1944 : AC Power Unit for Communication Reveiver P.C.R. ZA26706 |
GB: Philips Electrical, Lamps, Industr...
1944 : Communication Reveiver P.C.R. ZA26707 |
GB: Plessey; Ilford
1960 : Transmitter-Receiver PTR 61 |
GB: Pye Ltd., Radio Works; Cambridge
1955 ??: Walkie-Phone P.T.C.123 |
GB: Pye Ltd., Radio Works; Cambridge
1955–63 : VHF Radio Telephone Ranger PTC2002N |
GB: Pye Ltd., Radio Works; Cambridge
1956 : Monitor Receiver PTC 145 |
GB: Pye Ltd., Radio Works; Cambridge
1960 ??: VHF Radio Telephone Ranger PTC8007 Transistor |
GB: Pye Ltd., Radio Works; Cambridge
1961–70 : Transistor Sprechfunk FM-10-D 1 Kanal-Version |
GB: Redifon Ltd.; London
1968 ?: Transceiver GR345B FuG15 |
GB: Standard Telephones and Cables Ltd...
1967 ??: VSWR Indicator B32 79-LRU-44A |
GB: Techtest Limited; Leominster
2010 ??: Emergency Locator Transmitter / Personal Locator Beacon S / 500-12Y |
1947 ?: WS88A MK2 Type A |
H: Budapesti Rádiótechnikai Gyár (BRG)
1978 ?: Transceiver FM301 - FM301-80S |
H: Budapesti Rádiótechnikai Gyár (BRG)
1980 : Visszhang (Echo) AM 01-27 |
H: Telefongyar, Terta (TRT, Export = ...
1948–52 : Transceiver R-20 Station mit Netzgerät |
H: Telefongyar, Terta (TRT, Export = ...
1950 ??: Military Transceiver R-10 |
H: Videoton; Székesfehérvár
1965 ??: Antennen-Anpassgerät AIE Z-1 |
H: Videoton; Székesfehérvár
1968–75 : UKW-Funkgerät R-107T |
HK: Delcom Radio LTD.; Hong Kong
1993 ??: Air Band Handheld Transceiver AIR-960 |
HK: Unknown - CUSTOM BUILT: Hong Kong ...
1980 : Aston P22 FM-II |
I: CEP Costruzioni Elettroniche Profe...
1965 ??: Norge CB Linear Amplifier 60 Ein Drehknopf beschädigt (Alu-Kappe fehlt) |
I: Labes, Telecomunicazioni; Peschier...
1971 ??: VHF-Transceiver HT16-N |
J: Crown Radio Corp.; Tokyo
1962–64 : 10-Transistor Transceiver TRQ-1050 (Japan 105) |
J: Hitachi Ltd.; Tokyo
1968 : CH-1330R |
J: Hitachi Ltd.; Tokyo
1970 ??: CH-1150R |
J: Hitachi Ltd.; Tokyo
1973 : WH-1160 |
J: Hitachi Ltd.; Tokyo
1990 ??: Citizen's Band Transceiver Call Talkie CH-950R |
J: Kanda Tsushin Kogyo Co., LTD.; Tokyo
1963 : Pony Transceiver |
J: Kenwood, Trio-Kenwood Inc.; Komagane
1983–92 ?: R-2000 |
J: Marc; Japan
1978 ??: VHF-FM Receiver 11 Channel + VFO |
J: Panasonic, Matsushita, National ナシ...
1965 ??: National Panasonic Transceiver RJ-8 |
J: Panasonic, Matsushita, National ナシ...
1966 : National Panasonic Walkie-Talkie RJ-20E |
J: Panasonic, Matsushita, National ナシ...
1972 : National Panasonic CB Handfunkgerät RJ-27E |
J: Panasonic, Matsushita, National ナシ...
1977 : Handy Talkie RJ-78E |
J: Panasonic, Matsushita, National ナシ...
1989 ??: Marine VHF Radiotelephone KX-G2220 |
J: Pony Electric Corporation; Tokyo
1980 ??: Marine VHF Radiotelephone M-Tech HR-85 |
J: Sanshin Electric Co.; Tokyo
1965–72 : All Transistor Direction Finder FR-662B |
J: Seiwa Corporation; Tokyo
1980 ??: VHF Transceiver unknown |
J: Sharp; Osaka
1968 : Twincomm DX CBT-66 |
J: Sharp; Osaka
1973 : CB Handsprechfunk Gerät CB-100 Antenne evtl. nicht original |
J: Shinwa Tsushinki Co., Ltd.; Tokyo
1972 : UHF Transceiver Sprechfunkgerät UHF/FM SC410E |
J: Shinwa Tsushinki Co., Ltd.; Tokyo
1975 : SH-401D UHF/FM Transceiver |
J: Shinwa Tsushinki Co., Ltd.; Tokyo
1977 : CB-Handfunksprechgerät SH702D |
J: Shinwa Tsushinki Co., Ltd.; Tokyo
1978 : SH-712 D |
J: Sony Corporation; Tokyo
1970 ?: Transceiver CB-200W |
J: Sony Corporation; Tokyo
1970 ??: CB Walkie Talkie - Handfunksprechgerät ICB-160 |
J: Sony Corporation; Tokyo
1973 : Transceiver ICB-1000W |
Click numbers for additional pages of Siegfried
Droese's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member Siegfried Droese opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 17.Aug.2009.
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